Chapter Thirty

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(So close to the end! Thank you to everyone who has stayed with me on this crazy journey. Your support and love mean everything to me and it makes updating so much easier. You're all wonderful individuals♥- Leina) 

**This chapter has not been properly edited, so please don't mind all the spelling errors and what not. Enjoy! 


Nina's POV

The familiar softness of the mattress underneath me and Jaxon's scent invading the air let me know that I was back in his room. I didn't have to open my eyes to make that confirmation. His arm was wrapped tightly around me securing me to his side. The moment was refreshing, I honestly couldn't think of a time when I had felt this safe.

I wanted to soak up this feeling of absolute bliss for as long as I could. I knew as soon as I stepped out of Jaxon's room reality would drown me. There was a massive amount of shit I had to take care of. Yet, I selfishly wanted to avoid all my responsibilities. Was that wrong of me? I mean I had just been tortured for days, just learned the death of my parents was premeditated and I had to find a new home for my pack.

With all that on my mind I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. The previous feeling of peaceful bliss left my body as stress took over. The moment was ruined as I reveled over what I should take care of first. I knew I had to talk to Kane, I had to find out what happened to him and try to understand why he would listen to anything Declan said. I had to check on my ladies and make sure they were doing alright on Jaxon's territory. I also needed to check on Keiva and make sure she has gotten a proper meal.

As I let out a deep sigh I picked up Jaxon's arm and moved out from under it. I gently laid his arm back at his side and walked into the bathroom. The shower was calling my name. As I walked over to turn the water on to heat it up, I avoided the mirror completely. I knew I looked horrible, days of abuse with no shower and not eating properly, I was sure I looked like absolute shit. The mirror didn't need to confirm that.

Steam began to fill the room just as I finished taking off the last article of clothing. I stepped into the massive shower and moaned in pure pleasure at the way the hot water fell against my sore body.

What I loved most about this shower was all the faucets. Not only did it have the main shower head right in the middle of the shower and the water fell from it like rain, but there were also body jets. It was without a doubt the greatest shower I had ever experienced. I sighed contently as I massaged Jaxon's shampoo into my dirty hair. At the moment I didn't care that I had to use his cleaning products. Ironically I kind of liked the idea of smelling like him. It was comforting.

When my skin began to turn pruney from being in the shower for too long I reluctantly shut off the water and grabbed the towel off the rack. After I wrapped the soft towel around my body I realized I didn't bring any clean clothes into the bathroom. Before I left the territory my clothes were still in my bag and my bag was placed in Jaxon's closet. I couldn't believe I didn't think about bringing a change of clothes into the bathroom with me.

Mate has clean clothes, Lyra said.

Yes he does, you want me to wear his clothes instead of our own? I asked.


I could do that for her. Neither of us were even near being back to our normal strength, but I know being around Jaxon and feeling the mate bond would get us back to normal. And eating food, because food fixes everything.

As I gently pushed the door open I peeked around it to see if Jaxon was still sleeping. My stomach dropped a little when I noticed he wasn't on the bed or anywhere in sight. The bed was neatly made and showed no signs of having previously been slept in. I tried to not let it bother me that he left without saying anything, but it was difficult. I had to remind myself that before I left, Jaxon and I weren't on the best terms. He knew how angry I was at him and he probably still thought I was holding onto that anger.

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