Chapter Twenty-Seven

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(The last semester of my university career started up yesterday! It's crazy to think that in April I'll be finished :o With that being said I will try my hardest to update as often as I possibly can. I can honestly say there are not many chapters left of Runt so hopefully I can get those finished and uploaded before March (goals right there). Once again I want to thank you amazing readers for all your views, votes and comments! Please be sure to let me know what you think and anything you'd like to see before the end of the book! I love hearing your feedback -Leina ♥) 

**Completely unedited I just finished typing this chapter 2 minutes ago and didn't read through it. I wanted to get it up ASAP for you guys so please ignore all errors they will be fixed in the future. 

Nina's POV

Darkness. I was completely consumed by the darkness. No light was visible, not even the slightest sliver. To be honest the only reason I knew I was back in the cell was due to the cold concrete floor underneath me.

"Nina," I heard my name being called by the familiar voice of my best friend. When I attempted to reply back I realized just how completely and utterly sore I was. The word sore didn't even properly describe the state of my body. I tried to open my eyes and realized that I couldn't even manage to do that. No part of my body would listen to me. All I could do was lie on the cold, disgusting floor and try to fight off falling into unconsciousness. I wanted to fall into the evil arms unconsciousness provided; then I wouldn't have to feel the pain I was feeling right now.

There was the sound of soft shuffling that came from somewhere, it was accompanied by light sounds of groaning. "Jesus Nina, what did they do to you?" Keiva whispered.

I had a feeling her question was rhetorical. That didn't stop me from thinking back and trying to figure out what had actually happened. I remember talking to Keiva earlier in the evening and being interrupted by Declan. He walked into the cells flanked by two other men, they were huge. They carried a tray in their hands and Declan grabbed something off of it, said something to me and then... nothing. I had zero memories of how I ended up in the state I was currently in.

Keiva was panicking because I wasn't responding to her. I could imagine how hard it was for her to see her Alpha who was her best friend in the condition that I was in. I wanted to tell her that I was fine, but my body wouldn't allow me to do that. It wouldn't allow me to do anything other than take the shallow breaths that I was taking. Every fiber of my being was screaming at me in pain, and I was screaming right back to move. Move a finger, move a toe, move any part the tiniest bit so Keiva could see that I was still alive.

It felt like hours had passed as I continued to lay on the cold ground of the cell. Hours of Keiva attempting to get a reaction out of me, hours of me attempting to show Keiva that I was in fact alright. As alright as anyone could be in my situation. Hours of urging myself to move, and hours of failure. I exhausted myself to the point of no return. I had no energy left to move, and I fell into the arms of unconsciousness.

I woke up on a cold metal table. The metal touching my skin burned like it was melting my skin away. All of my senses were hypersensitive. The lights in the room were too bright, the voices in the room were too loud, it felt as if every hair cell on my skin was being pulled on. I wanted to shout at everyone to shut up. Their voices were painful and I couldn't concentrate enough to hear what they were saying. When I attempted to move I felt the restraints that were holding down my arms and knew that I was in trouble.

"It looks like someone has finally woken up." A sinister voice said. "No worries, we can fix that." I felt the needle puncture my skin and a cool liquid ran through my bloodstream. Once again I thrown into a dark world where I couldn't feel, see, or hear anything. A world I was becoming too familiar with.

Mate HaterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora