Chapter Seven

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(I was so inspired today that I wrote another chapter! :D Hope you all enjoy! You're all so amazing(:  -Leina) 

**Edited 11/19/2016

Nina's POV

I was cold and I couldn't stop shaking. My skin felt like I'd taken an ice bath. Why was my skin wet? I shot up out of the bed panting, I looked down at my skin and realized I'd broken out into a cold sweat during my nap. Nausea crept its way into the pit of my stomach and I instantly bolted to the bathroom, praying I'd make it in time.

While I was laying on the floor in the bathroom time seemed to stop. The contents of my stomach ended up in the toilet. I couldn't move from my position on the floor, all the energy I had I used to get to the bathroom. I curled up in a ball on the cold floor, my entire body was shaking uncontrollably.

"Nina?" A voice said in a panic. There were footsteps walking around the bedroom, I was too weak to call out to them. They'd find me eventually, I thought. "Nina!" They called again but a little more urgent this time.

I'm in here, I thought. I opened my mouth to voice the thought. "" Was all I could manage to say.

Whoever was in the bedroom must've heard me faintly because the next thing I knew I was being scooped up by two strong arms and being carried somewhere. "Jesus, Nina. You're burning up." The sweet voice said. I wanted to melt in the sound of this voice.

"Cold," I responded back to them as they set me down on what felt like a cloud.

There was some rustling around, and the faint sound of ringing. "Mike, it's me. Yeah, I'm with her now." A pause. "She's burning up, shaking and she says she's cold." Another pause. "Yes I know she has a fever, but I wanted to see if there was something I could do to help cool her off." Pause. "That's it? That's all I can do? She looks like-" The voice broke off in the middle of the sentence. "Ok ok, you're right. Thank you." Once he hung up with the stranger, he was by my side again. I knew he was familiar but my mind couldn't register who he was. "Nina, sweetie, I'm going to take you back into the bathroom, ok?"

I shook my head. All I wanted to do was stay under the covers and go back to sleep. Sleep sounded so nice. "No," I managed to get out.

There was a loud sigh. "Nina, I need to get you into a cold bath. You have a fever and we need your body temperature down. Please sweetheart?" They cooed to me.

I was already cold, why would this person want to put me in a cold bath? Were they crazy? "No, cold." Why can't they just let me sleep?

"I know you're cold but this will help you get better." There was a shift on the cloud I was laying on. That same pair of arms snaked their way under me and once more I was being transported by this stranger. I tried urging myself to open my eyes but my muscles would not listen to me. I needed to know who this guy was, I needed to know who was taking care of me. "I'm going to set you down on the floor and start running the bath water." They told me as they laid me down on the cold tile floor. The sound of the faucet running filled the bathroom, it was a soothing sound. "Alright, now let's get you out of the clothes and into the tub."

I felt the warmth of someone next to me. My mouth opened to say something, what it was I have no idea because words didn't come out.

"Do you need something, Neen?" They said. That nickname, someone else called me that. My memory was foggy, I couldn't pinpoint who used that name for me. "Are you ok with me helping you get undressed? I could get one of the girls from the pack to help you."

"No." I whispered softly.

"No what, sweetheart? No me helping you or no to having one of the girls come in here?"

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