Chapter Six

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(You guys melt my heart! I can't believe this story has reached over 500 views! My goal was 100! Thank you all so much! You're all amazing! ♥ -Leina) 

** Edited 11/28/2016

***More changes to this chapter are to come

Nina's POV

Jaxon left the room 15 minutes ago. That was enough time for me to hatch a plan and get back home. Not that there was much planning for me to do I was going to jump out the window and run like hell until I was off the territory. It was simple enough. I opened the window gently making sure not to make any noise. I knew he'd be listening. When the window was halfway open I peeked my head out to see if there were any guards outside and surprisingly enough it was clear.

With a smile on my face I rested my butt on the window sill and took in a lung full of fresh air. After breathing in the crisp fall air I launched myself off the window and landed swiftly on the hard ground below. Before taking off into a sprint I took another glance over my surroundings; still I saw no guards. This was too easy, I thought with a laugh.

The office was at the back of the house, behind the house was a small clearing before a massive tree line towards the back of the territory. If I took off at top speed it would take me max five minutes to reach their border. It'd take someone roughly two minutes to notice me, if there was someone out here. That gave me three minutes of outrunning them. Piece of cake, I thought. I looked down at my bare feet, well...maybe not exactly a piece of cake but still.

I walked casually towards the tree line making sure I didn't raise any suspicion. Once I got a little closer I picked up the pace. I looked behind me one last time to make sure I was clear to run. Alright here goes nothing, I thought. Then I ran into a roadblock.

The tingles I felt in the front of my body gave me a good indication on who my roadblock was. Shit I'm busted, I thought. I slowly moved my head up to meet his narrowed eyes. Someone was not happy. I took a small step back putting a little distance between us. After I broke our contact he crossed his arms over his chest. He was waiting for me to give an explanation

"Would you believe me if I said I was out for a walk to check out your land?" I asked and added a smile hoping to convince Jaxon the entire situation was innocent. His gaze never softened telling me he wasn't buying a single word I said.

Jaxon closed the distance between us grabbed hold of my hand and marched back to the pack house. "I leave for 20 minutes, come back to the office and the window was wide open. Luckily, I planned ahead for something like this to happen. I had a few guys hiding out who were watching the office. Can you believe how surprised I was when they said a small child was climbing out the window?" He paused momentarily. "No?" He paused again like he was actually waiting for me to respond to his rhetorical question. "Good because I wasn't surprised at all."

"I am not a small child." I growled.

"Well I can't blame them for thinking you were. But seriously Nina? Climbing out the window? Did you even try the door? I didn't lock it." My eyes widened in shock. It didn't occur to me to see if the office door was locked or not, I simply assumed it was. I swore under my breath at my own stupidity.

We walked back to the pack house and headed straight for the office again, once inside he closed the door. He started to pace around the room, probably in some heated discussion with his wolf. At the thought of his wolf I instantly felt the whole in my chest from the absence of Lyra.

Ten minutes later, the pacing finally stopped. His whole body was tense, there was a small streak of sweat on his brow. Definitely in a discussion with the wolf, and it was not going well.

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