...Sweet-ish beginnings

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Back with these three...

"Here. Have some food, kid." François holds out a plate of delicious looking food.

"Oh, but of course! I should have thought of that! I could of offered some lovely cupcakes to him." Oliver falls to his knees in defeat and begins to sob. He's very open about his emotions.

The boy notices and walks up to him, completely ignoring François. Oliver hears the boy's footsteps and looks up to see him. Oliver smiles at the cute sight, still sobbing a little.

"What the hell you crying about?" The boy says bluntly.

"Hey! That wasn't nice at all! And a boy your age shouldn't be swearing like that!"

"Seems he doesn't like you," says Fraçois smoking his cigarette.

"I don't like either of you."

"Really! So you don't like François more than me? What a relief! Then I'll be the one to raise you."

"Whatev's, freckle face."

"Hurray!! I got a new country to be mine! Oh, I almost forgot. What's your name, poppet?"

"'Murica." He says lookin' fly af. "The name's Allen F. Jones"

"Let's go Allen! I'm going to teach you all there is to know about being a country!" Oliver and Allen then leave together. Ollie is happy to have a new country, while Al doesn't really care about the whole thing. Oliver continues to ramble on as they leave, "And since I'm raising you, you're name will have to be Allen F. Kirkland. What's the F stand for? Frank? Fred?"

"Well I guess Oliver won zhat one." France says, lazily sitting in the grass. He sat there doing absolutely nothing (besides smoking) for quite a while.

"Who are you?" François looks up to see who was asking the question. There is another boy around the same age as the first.

"Name's François" he says taking the cigarette out of his mouth. "And who are you?"

"Canada. I'm a new country. My names Matt Williams." replies the boy. "You're a country too, aren't you?"

"Oiu. France. You related to zhat other country? Uh, I think his name was Murica?"

"Oiu. America. He's my brother." France puts the cigarette back in his mouth. Is this kid imitating him? He spoke Some French. Did that mean he was supposed to raise the kid?

"We are a little similar, are we not? We kinda look alike."

"I guess. Why do you ask?"

"I think I should raise you. You need someone to teach you 'ow to be a country, non? We look and talk alike, so we are probably related."

"I guess your right. Sure." Okay, the kid agreed. But wait... François doesn't know how to raise a kid all on his own. What has he gotten himself into.

"Oiu, oui, but you're also related to that other boy. I will take you to your brother. You should be with him too." François and Matt leave the field and head to Oliver's place. François didn't really have anywhere else to go.


"Let's raise them together! Don't you think that's a great idea, François?" François just groans in response to Oliver's giddiness. "Just look how well they're getting along."

"Bro! What's up." Little America walks up to little Canada and put his arm around his bro's shoulder. "Long time no see, Mattie."

"Get. Off. Now." Canada sends a death glare America's way. "And don't you dare call me Mattie."

"Awwww! Now aren't they just adorable!" Oliver's arms are flailing like crazy (much like fangirls might experience when fan-girling) because of the 'cute' scene before him.

"Whatever." François reluctantly agrees.

And that was the day the FACE family came to be! Well, the 2p FACE family at least.

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