They Grow up so Fast

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"I'm so sorry, boys! I wish we didn't have to go!" Oliver is wiping away the tears that stream down his face.

"We have no choice! Now c'mon! Let's go, Oliver!" François is literally dragging Oliver out the door.

"But look at our dear poppets! They're already the size of young teenagers! What if they're all grown up by the time we get back!"

François sighs, "Zhey're not going to grow zhat fast..."

"No! I can't just leave them alone! We can't-" François slams the door shut and they are gone. Allen and Matt don't mind that much. They just do what they usually do.

Matt stays in his room most of the time. He watches some tv. He also accompanies Allen on his shenanigans. The few weeks go by pretty fast.

"I'm home, darlings~!" Oliver slams through the door, dropping his stuff, with his arms open as if he expected them to greet him at the door with hugs. François grumbles as he pushes past him into the house. "Oh, and François's here too!"

He waits by the door, but no one comes to greet him. He sighs, entering the house to find them after picking his stuff back up. After a few steps, a loud scream is heard and Oliver drops his stuff again.

"François!?" Oliver is sure that's who he heard screaming. He runs toward the scream and stops dead in his tracks when he enters Allen's bedroom. François stands in the middle of the room, trembling and facing away from Oliver. The boys are playing video games, but that's not the cause for shock.

They are no longer boys. They are grown. Full grown adults.

"A-Allen? M-Mattie? M-my babies? Is th-that you?" Oliver could barely speak as tears welled up in his eyes.

"Yeah, of course it's us, now get out of my room!"

"And it's still 'Matt.' Welcome back." There was silence for a few seconds. The only noise coming from the video game.

"I hate to say it, but Oliver... You were right..." François turns and starts walking toward the door. "I gotta go have a drink or lie down for a bit or something." He leaves the room, but Oliver is still frozen in shock. He starts to cry as he runs towards them. He pulls them both into a tight embrace.

"My p-pre-precious dar-darlings are all g-grown up! W-what am I go-gonna do!? My b-babies are all g-grown!"

"Hey! Oliver, get off! Matt is gonna beat me!"

"How am I gonna beat you when I'm in his death grip too, fooking moron!" Oliver lets go and holds out his jar while still crying.

"Swear j-jar, please." He says between hiccups and sobs. Allen and Matt finally pay attention to him and realize how upset he actually is. Matt quickly pays the swear fee.

"Uh, Oliver, it's alright. Why are you so sad? Did me or Allen do something?"

"Yeah mom, what's wrong? What did we do?"

"No, it's n-not your fault! It's just, y-you're both so g-grown up now!" Allen and Matt look at each other and their eyes widen in surprise.

"Yo, Matt! When did you get so fuckin old!?"

"Nah Al, you're the one that's old as shit!"

"Can we just agree zhat you're both old as fuck and shut up! I was trying to have a drink and relax but you're way too loud for zhat!"

"Could everyone please stop swearing... And why are you two so surprised about it? Haven't you noticed?"

"Me and Matt have been in here playing video games the past week."

"Yeah, I guess we didn't look at each other or ourselves..."

"Morons." scoffs François under his breath. "How could you not notice?" The boys shrug and Oliver starts to cry again. "And did you not eat, drink, or sleep for a whole week? Even though you can't die, you can still get sick from that!" Look who doesn't care about their wellbeing.

"My babies are all grown up! What am I going to do now!?"

No more child Al and Matt. They're all grown up now.

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