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"Yo! Wow!"

"Wow isn't my name, my name is Zao, moron!"

"Yeah, sure, wanna go mess with our families!?"

"Boi do I! That'd be swiggity, dog!" Allen bursts out laughing at Zao's attempt to be cool. "Aiya! What be the cause for humor, main man Al?" Zao attempts to do random gang signs.

"Never mind dude," Al struggles to speak after laughing so hard. "Let's just go bother my family."

~~Later at Oliver's house~~

"Wow! Where'd you go, man?" Allen stops his search when he hears giggling from Matt's room. He knocks on the door, "Matt, you see Wow anywhere lately?"

"Al, get in here, noodle doodle!" Allen opens the door when hearing Zao's voice. "Where you been at, homie!"

"Hey, that's my line! You ditched me to hang with my bro?! And what's with all the smoke in here?"

"Zao brought some nice opium. You should join us, Al."

"Didn't mom fight him over that! And now your smoking buddies! Dude, mom will be pissed!" Allen smirks and starts to enter the room. "But, hey, sounds kinda fun. I can't pass up this opportunity.

"Zao won the opium wars, so it's all good."

"Did I here opium wars?" Oliver appears in the doorway and gasps. "Matt, my poppet, get away from that hooligan this instant!"

Matt and Zao try to quickly hide the drugs, but it's too late. Not to mention all the smoke. "Uh, it's not what it looks like, Ollie!" Matt tries to argue.

"My precious little babies being influenced by this druggie monster of a nation!"

"Whoa, whoa, no need to be so hostile, Ollie-wollie!" Zao raises his hands in mock defense and smirks slightly.

"Don't you Ollie-wollie me! Get out of my house!"

"Sure thing, gramps, I'm going."

"And who're you calling gramps? You're older than all of us combined!" Oliver pushes Zao to the front door.

Allen sneaks away quietly out the back door as Oliver shoves Zao out the front door. They meet in the front of the house. "Well, that could've gone better. Let's try and mess with your family now!"

"Yeah, that's an awesome to the max idea, yo!"

~~Time skip to Zao's house~~

"Alright, here the plan, we sneak up on my fam after entering the hizzle, and scare them to death! Hopefully, then they will leave and become independent. I'm tired of taking care of these fools!"

"Alright, I mean, that's sorta vague, but we'll make it work!" Allen puts his fist out in front of him toward Zao. "To the..." Zao puts his fist next to Allen's.

"Noodle-doodle duo!!" They both scream very fast as if they'd practiced many times as they raise their fists into the air. Seriously, you try saying that fast and tell me it isn't difficult at first.

They both freeze in place at the sound of creepy giggling. They turn to Zao's house, only a few feet (or about a meter for non-American readers) away. Standing in the open window is three young teens, a still giggling Korea with an evilish smirk, a bitchy Taiwan with arms crossed, and a jittery Hong Kong hiding behind them.

"Aww how cute. Got yourself a young gang friend. You even have a cute little name for yourselves. You're such a cougar, gramps." Korea laughs as he teases Zao.

"I'm not gramps! I've told you to stop calling me that, Im Young Sun! I'm young and hip like you kids!" Zao tries to defend himself.

Taiwan scoffs, "Ha! More like you'll break a hip, you old fart. And you." Her cold stare directs itself toward Allen as she smiles darkly. "You're Oliver's sweet little baby. You call him 'mom,' don't you? You're more of a baby than little Leo here." She smirks as she nudges Hong Kong, or Leo.

"That was a little mean, Ming..." Leo says shyly behind her.

"Don't be a rude bitch! What, are you constantly on your period or something!?" Zao screams back at her.

"Well, are you constantly having a midlife crisis or something!? Uuuuuhhhhg! Why can't you just act your age, old man! I hate you!" Ming stomps back into the house away from the window.

"Then why don't you just leave and become independent already!? I don't need your bitch ass in my home, you bitch ass nigga!"

"Uh, dad, you can calm down now..." Leo quietly tries to calm the atmosphere with a smile. "I don't think she really meant that."

"I meant every word!" Ming calls from inside the house.

"She meant it alright." Sun says with a giggle.

"Come on, Al, we're leaving." Zao huffs. "Don't pay no mind to them bitches."

"Uh... Okay, sure thing..." Allen is still stunned by the whole situation. "And I thought my family sucked ass. Yours sucks way more ass than mine..."

"Tell me about it, Alio!"

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