Family matters

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"MEETING IN THE KITCHEN, MY POPETS~" Oliver waits a few seconds for someone to show up. Or at least a response maybe? He gets nothing. He sighs once he realizes no one is coming. He leaves the room to go look for his family.

"François! I just called for you from the kitchen!"

"Oh really? I didn't hear." François answers in a monotone voice while resting on the couch.

"Don't lie to me, François. The kitchen is right there," Oliver gestures to the kitchen door that is about ten feet away. "I know you could hear me!"

"I'm telling you, I didn't hear anything." François grins slightly. Oliver just gets angrier.

"Of course you did! You just won't admit it!"

"If that's what you think, Oliver." He shrugs and waves his hands dismissively. "But I'm no liar."

"François, you lie all the time. You are lying about being a liar." Oliver shakes his head in disapproval and leaves the room. He ignores the quiet ohon-ing behind him.

"Matt!" Oliver knocks on Matt's bedroom door. "Matt are you in there?" No answer. "Matt... I know you're in there, love. Please come out."

Matt sighs from behind the door, "I'm fine in here, Ollie."

"No you're not, you need social interaction. You need to be with your family, love!"

"Oliver, I really am fine. I don't wa-"

"Oh would you please come out!? Please, Mattie!"

"It's Matt," he corrects. "And I'm fine in here, thanks. Now please leave me alone."

Oliver sighs and leaves in defeat. Now off to find Allen.

"Al... what are you doing?" Allen is hitting a tree in the backyard over and over again with a baseball bat.

"Fucking squirrel! That asshole stole my bag of peanuts!" He just continues to hit the tree. Allen's really pissed.

"Allen, swear jar! No swearing!" Oliver holds out the swear jar. Allen ignores him and continues to hit the tree.

"Just take the damn money out of my room later, can't you see I'm busy!"

"What you're doing doesn't look that important. It's just peanuts, no big deal, darling." Allen stops striking the tree and turns to face Oliver.

"No big deal? That squirrel took my peanuts! The whole fucking bag! Not one, not two, the whole fucking bag of peanuts!"

"Swear jar! Now, Allen." Al obeys this time since he had already stopped his important business. "Now, how about you come and spend time with the family~"

"Do I gotta?" Allen wines.

"Yes, now let's go to the living room. I don't think François is getting off the couch today."

The two enter the house and go back to the living room. A few seconds later, a door squeak is heard from the hallway.

"Mattie~ You decided to come out of your room today! How lovely~" Oliver says cheerfully as he claps. Matt just groans. His face turns bright red. He grumbles something about "hating this family" and turns around to leave.

"Oh wait, please don't go, darling! Was it something I said?"

"Bro, don't leave! Come back! I don't wanna go through this shit alone!" Allen wines like a baby. Matt sighs and comes back to sit in the living room. Allen also places some money in the jar Oliver holds out.

"Oh goody~ Now we're all together! We can be like a normal family now! What should we do?" Oliver turns toward Al and Matt, "What do you boys want to do?"


They answer at the same exact time. Oliver blinks. He wasn't expecting such quick and certain sounding answers. Especially not from both of them.

"Well, loves... we can't play both at the same time. Which one should we play first?"


They answer at the same time again. This time even more assertive. Oliver doesn't know what to do at this point. He just wants everyone to be happy. Matt and Allen give each other the infamous death stare.

"Hockey's way better than your shitty stick-and-ball game!"

"In your fucking dreams! Baseball is way better than that excuse for grown men to figure skate!"

"Boys! Please don't fight! And stop swearing!" They just ignor Oliver.

"Have you seen the amount of blood and violence in Hockey? Baseball's for pussies!"

"Says the figure skater with the stupid-ass ponytail!" That was it. The boys mentally snap. They jump at each other like wild panthers.

"BOYS!!" They both freeze and look up at the fuming Oliver. "Swear jar! Now! And stop attacking each other like animals!" The boys get up off the floor and pay the swear fee. Oliver takes a deep breath in order to calm down. "Okay, now then. How about we compromise. Since we can't decide between hockey and baseball, why don't we play cricket?~"

"No!" The boys say in unison. Oliver laughs nervously.

"Well, I'm glad you two can agree on something... Maybe François has a better idea. François, what do you-" Oliver turns around to see that François is nowhere to be found. He must have left in the midst of the commotion.

"Where'd François go?" Asks Allen.

"I don't know, love. BUT HE BETTER HURRY BACK HERE IF HE PLANS ON KEEPING HIS CIGARETTES!" They hear a door squeak open upstairs followed by rapid footsteps. A few seconds later, François peeks his head around the corner.

"You!" He points accusingly at Oliver. "You will not take my cigarettes."

"Not if you get over here and participate in family time, dear~" Oliver grins triumphantly as François reluctantly enters the room and sits with the family. "So, have any idea of what we can do for family time? Also, I think it's best if you steer clear of sports."

"What about a simple board game?"

"What a lovely idea~ Let's play Sorry! And Life, and Pictionary, and," Oliver goes on and on about all the games they are to play. And they do. They play them all. And Oliver has a lot of board games. Oliver would try to lose on purpose so Allen and Matt could win. François has no mercy. He wins most of the time, which doesn't please Oliver. When one of the boys wins, the other would become angry and a fight would break out.

"Oh no, I'm all out of board games." Oliver sounds sad even though they played board games for the entire day. "We'll have to do something else now. Oh, I know! How about we watch a film!" The other three in the room groan. They have no energy left.

Oliver decides they should watch Oliver Twist. He has a special fondness for the movie. He puts the movie on and sits on the end of the couch. François sits at the other end with Allen and Matt sitting in the middle. He is the first one to fall asleep. Despite his snoring, Allen and Matt fall asleep soon after. Their heads are resting against one another. Oliver sighs.

"If only my two favorite darlings could get along this well when they are awake." Oliver whispers with a content smile. He falls asleep soon after that.

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