Return of Finland and Sweden

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"You have a new son!?" Thurston angrily bursts out at the mention of Paul.

"Well, yes, but the two you actually have to keep an eye on are Matt and Allen. They may look like adults, but they still act like the little babies I met just yesterday." Oliver swoons in his dear memories as Thurston just fumes with rage.

"So you're asking me to babysit the children I found in the first place that you snatched up? Plus the new child that you randomly found?"

"Exactly." Oliver replies with a ignorant smile as Thurston becomes more and more angry.

"We'll be happy t' look aft'r 'em!" Bernard smiles. Him and Thurston will finally be able to meet the kids they found that day. Bernard doesn't like to admit it, but he sees himself and Thurston as the rightful parents.

"Oh, good! Have fun!" Oliver and François leave to... who knows where as Thurston and Bernard enter the home.

"Bernard, wait." Thurston stops him in the doorway. "I have an idea. All those years ago, Oliver took those kids from us, remember?"

"Of course."

"Well, what if we get revenge?" Thurston smirks. "He's got a new kid. One that's still a child. We could take him and make him Finish territory! Raise him as our own!"

Bernard smiles. "We c'n be a fam'ly!" Finally his dreams will come true! The two enter the house, trying not to act suspicious.

"Who the bloody hell are you?" They look down to see a small, very angry boy.

"Oh, you must be Paul." Thurston pretends to be sweet with a forced smile. "Where are your big brothers?"

"Y'mean the moronic mumma's boy with half a brain and the slightly smarter maple-obsessed emo? They've probably already left."

"Let me ask you a question, boy. Do you like it here?"

"Overall, no. Oliver is so annoying and always bothering me about stupid things! Allen has tried to kill me on multiple occasions! I don't mind Matt, simply because he stays away from me. And François makes me mad without saying a word! His face is just annoying to look at!"

"Sounds to me like you could use a new home. And a new family."

"Want t' com' live w'th us?" Bernard asks with a hopeful smile. "Ye can b' our s'n!"

"Well, I guess it's worth a shot. Anythings probably better than here." Paul shrugs as he joins the two. "Let's go now. Before Oliver gets back and kills you for letter 'my precious poppets' escape." He imitates Oliver's voice in a silly mocking manner along with silly facial expressions and hand gestures.

Bernard laughs genuinely as the little joke and pats Paul's shoulder as Paul smiles. Thurston rolls his eyes even though he's secretly pleased to see them already getting along well. This family thing could work.


"We made it back before Oliver!" The boys breath a sigh of relief.

"Good. If we were late, he would have killed us."

"Paul! Whoever's-supposed-to-be-watching-us! We're back!" Allen calls out into the house, but receives no answer. "Did they go out looking for us?"

"No... they couldn't have... right? Oliver said not to leave the house. They would've followed the rules, right?" Matt questions unsure of himself. Just then, they hear a car pull up outside.

"Oh shit! We're as good as dead if we don't find Paul in the next thirty seconds!"

"But he's not here!"

"Oh shit, oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh-"

"Hello boys~ Glad to see you at home, safe and sound." The boys smile nervously at Oliver as he steps inside with François behind him.

François notices their fear and the lack of Paul. He grins. "So, where's Paul?" Al and Matt shoot him a death glare as François just chuckles. Oliver's eyes grow wide with worry in an instant.

"François's right. Where is Paul?" No answer. "Boys. Where is Paul." Oliver repeats more sternly.

"Uh, well, y'see, ma... we don't exactly know where he is at this precise moment in time." Allen stutters out. Oliver crosses his arms with a frown.

"And how do you not know Paul's whereabouts if you were here at home with him the whole time?"

"Well, we might've stepped out for a quick sec or two..." Oliver sighs.

"So we don't know the whereabouts of my little angel!?"

"Little angel my ass." François mumbles under his breath just loud enough for Oliver to hear.

"François! Stop being such a cinnamon!"

"Are you calling me hot, mon Cher?" He questions jokingly with his signature laugh. He might have drank a bit while they were out. Okay, he drank more than a bit.

"No! I'm calling you hot-headed and... and unpleasant to be too close to!"

"Unpleasant to be close to?" Matt questions. "But I like cinnamon."

"See, someone here likes me." François wiggles his eyebrows at Matt causing the latter to look away and gag slightly. Oliver ignores him and responds to Matt.

"But cinnamon is to hot. It burns my tongue when to close."

"Oh, so you do zhink I'm hot." François wiggles his eyebrows at Oliver this time.

"Would you just stop already! Yore distracting me from the actual dilemma here! Paul is gone!"

"I zhought dilemmas were supposed to be bad." François fights the urge to laugh at his own joke. Even Al and Matt giggle a bit.

"François! You're not being funny!"

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