Fun Memory

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"François...! I miss my babies!" Oliver whines as he slouches into the couch.

"You're still going on about zhat? Zhey're still here. And zhey still have zhe minds of children."

"I know, but they're all grown up now. Don't you remember when they were small and cute, and we had so much fun together?"

"No." Oliver glares at him after his blunt reply.

"Fine. I'll just have to jog your memory, that's all." Oliver taps his nose as he thinks of a memory. "Oh! I know! Remember that time we all baked together? And then we made a mess by throwing flour everywhere!" Oliver giggles at the memory.

"Mmm..." François makes a doubtful noise as he remembers how it went.


"I'm so glad we're all baking together! Time for family bonding~" Oliver practically sings with joy.

"Yaaaay..." The other three respond sarcastically. They start to reluctantly put the ingredients in the mixing bowl while Oliver tells them the recipe.

"Alright, we're almost done! Time for flour~ François, would you be a dear and fetch the flour bag from the top shelf of that cabinet over there?" François sighs and walks across the kitchen to where Oliver pointed.

"I wanna get it! Let me get the flour!" Allen angrily tugs at François's pant leg.

"You can't reach it, you're to short." François opens the cabinet and reaches for the flour.

"I'm not short!" Allen shoves his body into François's leg, causing him to lose balance. "And even if I was, I'm gonna grow mo-" François loses his grip and drops the bag of flour. It falls upside down and right onto Allen, showering him with white powder.

Matt and Oliver giggle from the other side of the kitchen at the sight of a completely white Allen, the now empty bag floating over his head. Allen angrily rips the bag off his head and grabs a pile of flour off the ground. He runs at Oliver and Matt and throws the flour at them.

"It's not funny, you jerks!" They continue to laugh after being hit with the flour. He then turns toward François. "This is your fault!" François gulps and tries to run, but he isn't fast enough. Allen quickly scoops up more flour and tackles François. He shoves the powder in François's face, causing the cigarette to fall from his mouth.

Matt and Oliver scoop up some flour and join Allen in torturing François by showering his whole body with the powder. He is completely painted white in no time. Once all the flour is used in covering François, Allen gets off of him. François slowly gets up and glares at the other three, who are now all giggling.

"I hate you all..."

~~End Flashback~~

"Such fun memories~"

"I don't remember it being so fun..." François growls angrily.

"Oh, but I remember it being a blast."

"Of course you do..."

"And I'm sure the boys had fun as well."

"Of course zhey did..."

"You mean to say you didn't enjoy it...?" Oliver asks sadly. François turns to look at Oliver to see if he could really be serious. He sees shinny, watery eyes, and a saddened face. When he sees how serious Oliver truly is, François turns away and whispers four words.

"I hate you all..."

I planned to have a special Independence Day chapter out today, but I'm a chapter behind. I promise the Independence Day chapter will be out some time next week for sure.

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