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"Hey Matt.... We're like, all grown up now."

"Yeah Allen. Your point?"

"Yet we're still a part of Oliver... It isn't fair. Shouldn't we be independent?"

"I don't really care..."

"Well I'm gonna ask him." Allen gets up off the couch and walks to the kitchen where Oliver is baking cupcakes. "Yo, Ma."

"Oh, hello, darling. The first batch of cupcakes will be done in a few minutes~" Oliver begins pouring the batter from the mixing bowl into the cupcake tray.

"Uh, yeah, I'm not here for cupcakes... I was actually thinking about independence." Oliver drops the mixing bowl and shrieks at the loud crash when it hits the ground.

"I-independence?" Oliver says with an obviously forced smile. "Why would you want that?"

"Well, I'm all grown up now. My human age is now 18. I should be able to drive and own a house and live on my own and stuff."

"L-live on your own!? Y-you want to move out...?" Oliver's eyes start to water. "Away f-from me?"

"Uh, nah mom, it's not like that, I just want to be able to do more. I'm an adult and I shouldn't have to listen to you anymore."

"Oh no you don't! My house, my country, my rules! You will do what I say!"

"I want to be my own country! I don't wanna be your little colonies any more!" Allen turns away and stomps out of the kitchen.

"Allen! You get back here this instant!" When Allen doesn't respond, Oliver follows him out of the kitchen and sees him walking out the front door. "Allen, don't you dare lea-" and Allen slams the door shut.

"He asked for independence, didn't he?" Oliver turns toward the voice to see Matt sitting on the couch.

"Yes... yes he did. I can't lose my babies!" Just then, François walks in the room.

"What's all zhe commotion about?"

"My baby asked for independence and left the house... And hey! Where were you, huh!? I could have used your help!"

"I was, uh, sleeping..." Oliver just sighs while shaking his head.

~~Time Skip~~

Allen slams the door open with a grin. "I'm home~!" He stops in the doorway as he pretends to think to himself, "Oh wait a moment, that's right..." He struggles to hide his grin.

"Allen! You were gone a whole week! I was so worried! Thank frosting you're okay, love!" Oliver hugs and checks over Allen to make sure he's okay.

"This isn't my home anymore." He finishes with a prideful smirk.

"Wha- what do you mean, Al?"

"I got my own place in my own country. Got a drivers license too." He holds up his license and makes the same exact pose with the same exact goofy grin as the picture. "It's also good for motorcycles. And so I got myself one."

"Allen! Motorcycles are far too dangerous! You can't-"

"Mom, I'm independent now, I can do what I want!"

"But Allen-"

"FREEDOM!!!" Allen practically jumps through the doorway as he leaves the house again.

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