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"Welcome, Flavio!~" Oliver opens the door wide and welcome the Italian inside.

"Why thank you!" Flavio walks in with his supermodel walk. "It's been a while, Ollie."

"Oh, I know it has!" They both giggle. "I see you have new glasses! How lovely~"

"Well, you know my love for pink." Flavio gestures to the majority of his outfit.

"Look who's talking, Flo." Oliver spins, showing off his pink sweater vest. "I'm a big fan of the color myself."

"I see, and it looks absolutely dashing on you I must say." Flavio says with a grin as he eyes Oliver up and down.

"Oh, don't flatter me like that!" Oliver waves him off. "The color is much more suited to you, love."

"Are you people talking about pink again...?" François stares at them with a plain face. The two clad in pink look to each other with guilty yet amused expressions.

"Guilty as charged~" Oliver sings as Flavio try's to hide a giggle with his hand.

"Why did I even ask..." François rolls his eyes.

"Maaaaaaaa!" Allen wines loudly as he runs to the room. He stops at the sight of their guest. "Uh, I mean," his demeanor changes from whiny child to tough guy. "Yo Ol! My shitty brother locked himself in my room! He said he's gonna rip up all my fuckin baseball cards!"

Flavio gasps dramatically. "What dastardly language for a child to be using!"

"Al! How many times have I told you! No swearing! Especially when we have guests over!" He walks to Allen and gestures to his friend in pink. "Now apologize to Flo."

Allen starts mumbling under his breath, but loud enough for Oliver to hear, "I ain't apologizing to no knife-wielding, hair-dying, fab-talkin, girly-walkin, pink-ass-Italian fuck!" Allen finishes a bit louder than he started.

"Allen!" Oliver stomps his foot in frustration and leans toward Allen. "Look, we'll make a deal," Oliver whispers in his ear, "if you apologize, I'll forget about all the money you owe me for the swear jar."

Allen's eyes widen. "Sorry man! Didn't mean to insult you or whatever the fuck I did!" He apologizes very loudly with a bright smile.

"Uh, no problem..."

"Say goodbye to your fucking baseball cards, you shit!" Matt runs and slides on the wooden floors right in front of Allen. He ignites his lighter right below one of Al's cards.

"No! Not Mickey Mantle! It's one of a kind! Signed by the Mick himself and everything! You know how much that's worth?"

"Nothing ones I turn it to ash!" He moves the flame closer. "This is for sneaking a dead rat in my boot!"

"No! Wait! It wasn't me! I swear! I-I'll, I'll-" Allen's words come to a halt. Paul steps into the room with a creepy grin big enough to rival Oliver's. He's staring directly at Allen and holding a bloody, dismembered dead rat by the tail. "You little shit... It was you!"

Allen lunges at the mischievous child. "Al, no!" Oliver jumps in front of Al trying to stop him, and ends up delaying enough for Paul to sneak away, bumping into Matt on the way out. The bump causes Matt's arm to lift the flame up to the card.

"Noooooo!" Allen yells. Everything goes into slow motion as Oliver falls to the floor, Al trips over the fallen Oliver, and the card catches fire along with Matt's sleeve. The card is gone in a matter of seconds, leaving Matt jumping around, trying to put out the fire.

François quickly leaves during the commotion. Allen face plants the floor. Flavio watches in horror as everything goes down in front of him. He squeals as Matt jumps toward him unknowingly, whipping his arm around trying to put out the fire.

"My baby's on fire!" Oliver quickly gets off the ground and tries to help Matt by patting him furiously. "Al! Quick! Get a bucket of water from the kitchen!"

Allen groans as he peels his face off the floor. "You fucker..." He gets up and once again lunges at his brother. "You burnt The Mick!"

Flavio tries desperately to avoid the flailing guy on fire, the concerned guy trying to put out the fire but failing miserably and only making things worse, and the pissed guy who is now lunging at him with his fist ready to punch.

Flavio ducks to the floor just in time and the fist flys into Matt's face, sending the confused and preoccupied man to the floor. Oliver quickly drops and rolls on top of him and successfully puts out the fire.

Paul giggles from around the corner. François is on the floor behind him nearly dying with laughter.

"O-Oliver, maybe we can have a fashion night some other time... and at my house instead... but, uh, I gotta go, Ollie!" Flavio rushes out the door before Oliver can say a word.

And there they sit. Matt on his back with Oliver laying on top of him, the latter's hand outstretched to the door where Flavio once stood. Allen looming over them with a dark aura of anger. François and Paul sneaking away quietly, sensing the rising tension in the room.

"Boys..." Oliver stands up, an aura with even more anger than Al's. "Is it impossible for you to act civilized?"

"It's Matt's fault! He burnt my most precious baseball card!" Allen points to his brother accusingly.

"You put a rat in my boot! It's your fault!" Matt sits up and points at Allen.

"That wasn't me! Paul's the one who's obsessed with little dead things!"

"Well it's Paul's fault I burnt the card! He hit my arm!" The two stop and stare at each other with a look of realization.

"It's all Paul's fault!" They scream in unison.

"Don't blame Paul!" Oliver shouts out suddenly. "He didn't say one word! You two are the ones who can't seem to behave! And I'm done putting up with this!"

"O-Oliver...?" Matt says with a nervous smile. Allen laughs nervously as he takes a step back.

"This punishment is long overdue..."

"P-punishment?" Allen gulps.

"You're both grounded! Grounded for five years!"

"Five years!?" Allen's jaw drops.

"You will be under constant adult supervision for a whole five years. No exceptions. When François and I leave the house, there will be another adult here to watch you."

"But we are adults!"

"You don't act like adults! Now off to your rooms!"


"No buts, Matt. To your rooms." The brothers head to their rooms reluctantly.

"This is going to be a terrible five years..." Allen whispers to Matt before heading to his own room.

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