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"You don't talk very much, Mister." Paul says with an agitated frown. Gilen just nods. "Well why not?"

"I'm technically dead..." Gilen replies quietly with a raspy voice.

"Dead? How can you die if you're a country? Countries don't die!"

"I'm no longer a country..."

"Uh..." Paul's face pales as he becomes nervous. "Countries can no longer be country?" Gilen nods despite Paul's odd wording. "Uh, b-but, you can't be dead! You're sitting right here! How is that if you're dead?!"

"I'm slowly fading... Soon, I won't be able to talk at all... then I'll be gone..."

"G-gone!?" Paul's face is now completely white. "But, I'm invincible! I can't die! That won't happen to me!"

"You're a small country... very deceptable... vulnerable..."

"N-no! I-I'm not weak! I'm strong! I'll live forever!"

"Mmm..." Gilen gives a doubtful shake of the head. Paul just snarls back at him.

Allen and Matt watch from around the corner with amused expressions. "That little shit has creepy-dude distracted." Allen whispers excitedly.

"Y'think we can sneak away?"

"Totally!" The two sneak to the backdoor and quietly exit the house. "See, I knew it wouldn't be that hard. Made it out without a problem."

"Why, hello there, boys." They turn around to see Oliver standing there with crossed arms and an unamused expression. "I see you're not respecting the fact that you've been grounded."

"Yo Ma..." Allen laughs nervously. Maybe he could play this off as a no-big-deal-joke-kinda-thing? "We were just, uh..."

"We were just gonna play in the yard, Ollie." Matt picks up on Allen's plan and responds with a straight face.

"Oh really? That's not what it sounded like." Oliver places his hands on his hips sassily. Allen just laughs some more while Matt shuffles his feet slightly. "If I were to go inside and ask Gilen, he would know you went to play outside?"

"Uh, well... We never said Gilen knew..." Oliver sighs and shakes his head disapprovingly. He walks past them and inside the house. They follow behind him.

"Gilen." He looks up from his squabble with Paul at the mention of his name. "Allen and Matt almost left the house. You're supposed to be watching them."

"I knew they left."

"Then why didn't you stop them from leaving?" Gilen thinks for a moment before just shrugging.

"I'm gonna have to find a different babysitter..." Oliver sighs.

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