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"Get up! Get off your lazy ass! It's Christmas!" Matt wakes up to being unpleasantly jumped on by an overexcited Allen. He groans in pain and tries to push Al off of him.

"Get off of me!" After a few missed swings, he finally succeeds in hitting Allen. He falls off the bed with a thud.

"Ow! What the fuck, Matt!? Where the hell is your Christmas spirit?" Allen gets up and pulls the blanket off of Matt, exposing the latter to the cold air. "Get up so I can get presents!"

"You're such a child..." Matt grumbles as he groggily gets out of bed. Upon seeing Matt sit up, Allen runs out of the room screaming about presents and Christmas. Matt glances at the clock to see it's only four in the morning.

Al runs straight to Oliver and François's room. Yep, you heard me. They share a room. The ship has sailed (Fight me!). Anyway, Allen jumps on their bed like he did to Matt, waking them up instantly.

François groans and covers his face with a pillow. "Why must I get up at such an ungodly hour on Christmas?" His voice is muffled by the pillow. "I zhought people are supposed to like zhis 'oliday..."

Oliver sits up right away with a bright smile on his face. "Christmas!" He jumps out of bed and forcefully pulls François along with him. "Come now, we mustn't be late for present opening~"

"Woohoo!" Allen cheers as he runs out of the room, nearly knocking down Matt who has just walked into the hallway, and sliding down the stair railing. Matt hears a loud crash from downstairs and shakes his head. Allen fell off the railing again.

Oliver runs out of the room only seconds later, dragging a half asleep François behind him. "Come on poppet! Aren't you excited?" Oliver grabs Matt's arm and pulls him along as well. "Happy Christmas!" He is pulled all the way down stairs and to the Christmas tree before Oliver let's go.

Allen gasps and points to the plate of Christmas cookies they left out. "Santa ate them!"

"Of course he did. How could Saint Nick of all people resist our delicious baked goods?" Oliver says as he sits down next to the tree. Allen sits down also, quickly grabbing the first present he sees with his name on it. "Uh-uh-uh!" Oliver wags a finger. "Stockings first."

Following the annual tradition, Al and Matt grab their stocking. They're filled with mostly candy, cookies, and other small gifts. The family then opens their gifts as they sit by the tree together, still dressed in their pajamas.

They laugh and have a great time together. Oliver gasps as he opens a present from Al, "It's just like my favorite pink sweater vest I lost a week back!" He tilts his head. "Wait a moment... this is my old sweater vest..."

"Wanted to get something I'd know you'd like." Allen says with a grin. Oliver just sighs with a shake of his head, a small smile still present on his face. Matt nods in approval at all of his new flannel jackets of different colors.

"You only own red, which is so boring, I just had to add some color to your wardrobe." Oliver says as Matt holds up a bright pink and purple flannel jacket.

"Thanks Ollie." Matt smiles sheepishly, laying the rainbow flannel next to him.

"Heh, gaaaaaaayyyyy!" Allen whispers loudly in his ear, wiggling his eyebrows. Matt nudges him with his sharp elbow.

"Like you have room to talk, Mr. Rainbow Unicorn." Matt eyes Allen's new outfit. François's present to Al had been a gag gift, but Allen took it way too seriously, putting it on right away. He's now wearing a rainbow unicorn onesie. It's got a hood with a glittery horn on it, footies with grippy horse shoes on the bottom, and even a little horse tail right on his ass. "You look ridiculous."

"Excuse you, I'm a pegasus." Allen points to the tiny wings on his back. Matt tries really hard not to laugh at the outfit. "And I look fabulous." He says with a grin. Matt opens his present from François and is terrified to see the result.

"What the hell even is this? A disfigured unicorn?" Matt holds up the onesie. It has a horn on the hood like Al's, but it's really weird looking.

"It's a narwhal." François snickers.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Now you two can match. Allen's a unicorn, pegasus, whatever, and you're an underwater unicorn zhat's less magical." Matt just stares at him in disbelief. Like he'd ever put this abomination on.

Just then, Oliver squeals as he opens his present from François. It's a -you guessed it!- a onesie. A leopard onesie. "Why does he get the non-gay-looking one!?" Matt questions François. Oliver puts it on immediately.

"Come on, poppet! Aren't you going to put on your matching outfit?" Oliver begins dressing Matt himself.

"No! Wait, I don't wanna!" Matt struggles, but then Allen and François join Oliver in forcefully dressing him. He's no match for all three of them.

"Aren't you just the most precious!" Oliver coos at the both of them in their colorful, glittery onesies. "François, do you have one? You're left out of the fun..." Oliver frowns a bit.

"Oh, non, it's fine, mon cher. I do not need one." He grins at the stupid outfits. He got them as gag gifts, not expecting everyone to actually wear them. "Zhis is already zhe best Christmas I could 'ope for."

They spend the rest of the day opening gifts and eating food, all while wearing those ridiculous outfits.

Merry Christmas everyone! Have a whole lotta happy holidays!

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