Party Hard

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"Alright. Since you two are no longer grounded, I'm trusting you to behave without adult supervision." Oliver says with a hint of doubt in his voice.

"Gotcha mom! You can trust us!" Allen shouts as he practically shoves Oliver and François out the door. "Bye! Have fun!" He shuts the door on them as soon as they're outside.

"What's with the rush?" Matt asks. Al grins, giving Matt a bad feeling.

"It's time to party hard."

Allen continues to call up everyone. Like literally every single country excluding Oliver and François. The house is full in a matter of no time at all. How did everyone show up from around the world within a few hours? They must have access to secret, military, high-speed jets or something (because getting to a party quickly is exactly what they should be used for). Either that or I don't feel like giving a proper explanation.

There's snacks, alcohol, and Zao brought opium of course. Everyone is partying and having tons of fun. Well, almost everyone.

Matt is running around the house trying to keep everything intact. Everyone is pretty drunk and in danger of breaking things around the house. Matt has been spending his time catching vases before they hit the ground, breaking up fights, and cleaning up spilt drinks.

"Allen, this party is out of hand!" Matt yells over the booming music when he finally finds Al in the middle of the rave.

"C'mon, Matt! Where's your spirit? Have a little fun for once in your life!" Allen joins the rave once again, ignoring Matt's concern.

Matt sighs. "I'm not taking responsibility for any of this." He grumbles to himself. He sits on the couch, not caring any more what Oliver will think. Allen is to blame, not him.

Hours later, towards the end of the day, the door opens. The party is still in full swing despite the day being nearly over. "Boys!" Oliver's furious scream is heard above the loud music which comes to a screeching halt once he enters. "I knew it was too early to trust you!" There's anger and hurt in his eyes.

"Uh, wait, it's not what it looks like!" Allen tries to hide the beer he's holding behind his back.

"Oh really? It's not what it looks like? Because to me it looks like you've called everyone over for a dangerous party. Is that not what's happening?" Allen doesn't respond as sweat appears on his forehead.

"Oliver, calm down." François walks past him, grabbing a beer from the table. "It doesn't look zhat bad. Have a drink. Loosen up." François smirks as if he has an alterier motive.

"I am not going to have a drink! Can't you see our boys should be punished? They had a party! There's dangerous substances here!"

"Oui, I agree. I cannot believe zhey had a party without us." He glares at Allen. "But now it's time to have fun. Or are you to chicken?" François wiggles his eyebrows at Oliver, making the latter blush with embarrassment.

"Fine, give me that dink." Oliver grabs the beer with a frown, immediately drinking it down. Matt watches from the couch, raising an eyebrow as Oliver downs it in two seconds.

"Whoa..." Allen's eyes widen. "Wanna notha one?" He holds out a beer with a hesitant grin. Oliver takes it and downs it just as fast, stumbling a bit.

"Woohoo!" Oliver screams, throwing the bottle to the floor causing it to shatter into a million tiny glass shards. "Time to party haaaarrrrd!" He grabs five bottles of beer in his arms, running into the resumed party.

"Next time you have a party, you better invite me." François whispers threateningly into Allen's ear. "I mean, come on, I can understand not inviting Oliver, but I'm a different story. I'm not zhe responsible parent." He says as he picks up the entire wine bottle.

Matt stares in disbelief as Oliver now causes the most damage out of all the drunks at the party. The music is louder than ever with everyone mashing around. Oliver is jumping on furniture and knocking things over and causing all sorts of damage in his drunken state. Matt is so. Fucking. Done.

He gets up and stomps past all the drunken dancers until he reaches François. "You knew this would happen!" He jabs a finger at the man making him spill a little wine.

"Of course I did. What, would you razher have had Oliver kill you and Allen?"

"I, no! But now he's breaking stuff and..." Matt points at the most noticeable partygoer attempting to drink two beers at once with most of the liquid spilling all over his pink sweater vest. "You see that? He's making a fool out of himself." At that very moment Oliver slips off the counter and onto the floor with a loud thud barely heard over the booming music. "And hurting himself..."

"Don't worry, he always gets like zhis when he drinks. He'll be too hungover to care about all zhe damage. No more need to worry. Lighten up and party."

"If I lighten up, someone is going to be dead by the end of the night."

"We don't die. We're countries."

"I wasn't being literal!" He practically shrieks as François shoves a beer in his hand.

"Shhhhh. Drink."

"You are the worst parent ever."

"I know." François continued drinking from his wine bottle with a grin. Matt took a swig of beer and walked back to the couch, slouching back into the cushions.

He watches the party as he continues drinking his beer, savoring the burning taste as it slides down his throat. He scans the party to find François being semi-social with his buddies Andres and Gilen. Oliver is goofing about, trying to attack the chandelier with Allen cheering him on like an ignorant dumbass.

Matt shakes his head, sighing at his family of idiots. A small smile can be seen pulling on the corners of his lips. Despite all the trouble they cause, he still loves those idiots.

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