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"Allen... François... I think we have a problem," Matt whispers urgently, his eyes darting to the kitchen briefly. François doesn't notice, or maybe he just doesn't care enough to respond.

Allen raises an eyebrow "a problem?"

"Yes. And it's important. I have a feeling even François will care about this." François finally looks up. If something is even slightly important to him, that means it's a big deal. Everyone knows this, it's just common knowledge. Allen gulps, feeling a tiny bit worried.

The three sneak over to the kitchen door, slowly open it a crack, and peek through the opening. What they see utterly terrifies them.

There, right before them, only a few meters away...

"And this is when you put in my secret ingredient~"

"What is it? And don't say love. That's stupid."

"Oh, silly, of course it's not love! That's no fun."

"Good. But you didn't tell me what it is."

"Yes I did, poppet. It's my 'secret ingredient'. I can't tell you anymore than that. If I did, then it wouldn't be a secret. Now here, pour it in the batter. You can never have too much~"

Allen, Matt, and François stare wide eyed with fear. Oliver is teaching Paul how to bake... And Paul seems to be enjoying it. That brat doesn't enjoy anything.

As the three stooges secretly watch, Paul pours some unidentifiable white powder into a large mixing bowl. Oliver watches the boy with a prideful smile.

"This is bad." Allen whispers. "The kid's even smiling."

"Out of all the activities they could use to bond, it had to be baking..." whispers Matt.

"He's a mini-Oliver..." François shivers a bit, "Just a pissy-er version."

Oliver and Paul continue baking. They dance around and cheer. Paul's like a whole different kid. He went from angry, short-tempered brat to cheerful, giddy Oliver clone.

"I hope everyone's excited for cupcakes today~" Oliver sings as he notices the three sneaks peeking out from behind the door. "They're special because little Paul here did most of the work!" Oliver ruffles Paul's hair.

Matt, Allen, and François quickly hide behind the door. "Paul didn't complain about being called little..." François whispers as he stares into space.

"He tolerated Oliver's noogie without pushing him away..." Matt whispers.

"And he never stopped smiling..." Allen concludes.

Oliver and Paul would bake together often after this. Baking had become Paul's favorite thing. Even though Oliver tends to annoy him, Paul loves baking together, and of course, Oliver loves baking together too.

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