Episode 28: Blood in the Snow

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Sean VO: "Last time on Power Rangers GPX Supercharged!"

Kevin: "No more Packer gear!"

Daisuke: "What is this?"

Amir: "We are standing in solidarity."

Phaedos: "Killing them [the Rangers] will be unnecessary, but it will speed up Ragnar's plans."

Sean: "I can interpret pictographs, but I can't read runes."

Ragnar: "I will assign Tirna and Túrelie to the Ranger mission."

Power Rangers GPX Supercharged, episode 28: Blood in the Snow

:-:-:-: We're the best chance for humanity, Pow-wer Rang-gers G-P-X, let's go! :-:-:-:

The idea that Tirna and Túrelie would immediately get along was laughable.

While it might had been a good idea at the start, Ingvar was getting very annoyed and frustrated hearing the two bicker and argue over whose plan was going to be implemented first. They could stall for time, but it was of upmost importance that they attack the Rangers soon. Unfortunately, their bickering and unwillingness to work together delayed the next attack for about a week.

And they just kept going! Ingvar had to force them to talk face-to-face just to get something done! "Why must I work with you?" asked Túrelie.

"The feeling's mutual, honey!" Tirna replied.

Their bickering got worse. Ingvar covered his ears in a desperate attempt, to no avail. He groaned while Túrelie huffed and turned away from Tirna, who did the same. Was there no end to Ingvar's torment? When the traitor Arquen and Túrelie bickered, it was never this trite or horrific to listen to. But when it became clear that Arquen was on the verge of betraying Alfheim, his objections became more obviously treacherous, even if Arquen was not aware of it consciously.

"Will you two BE QUIET!?" Ingvar shouted.

"NO!" Tirna cried out.

"Never!" Túrelie concurred.

"You will be quiet!" Ingvar replied.

"Why?" asked Tirna.

"Because your bickering is destroying my sanity!" said Ingvar, "And if you continue your useless bickering, you will not stand any chance against the enemy you have in common!"

The two looked at each other for a moment. Ingvar looked between the generals while they had their internal battles. Could Elves and Zordonians really work together? Ragnar was more than willing to work with Phaedos and Tirna for his own personal gain. Whether or not Tirna and Túrelie were going to work together was another matter.

"Fine," said Tirna.

"Very well," said Túrelie.

Ingvar could not have been any more relieved to hear this. So now they were willing to work together. Now came the more difficult duty of actually working together. Willing to do the action and performing the action are two completely separate concepts. Whatever plan they devised they would have to coordinate their thoughts and movements to ensure success. Now the hard part was ahead.

"What are you going to do now?" he asked.

"We are going to decide," said Tirna. Ingvar sighed while rubbing his face out of exasperation. Confound these two! Even when they had decided to agree to work together they still were not working together! That does it!

"I am going to leave you two in this room!" he shouted, "You may not come out, except to use the facilities, until you do work together and come up with a plan!"

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