The Power Rangers and the Very Eventful Sunday

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Sean: "Last time, on Power Rangers GPX Supercharged!"

Turelie: "Be ready to fire on command."

(An elf tank blows up the front of the building lobby that the Power Rangers are in, but an Apache helicopter blows that tank up)


(The Rangers morph and attack the elves.)

Phaedos: "YOU, some filthy human, have made my life miserable!"

(Sean accidentally kills him)

Ragnar: "Unleash the weapon!"

(a giant robot attacks Milwaukee, destroying a good chunk of it in fiery mayhem. The Grand Prix Megazord tries to fight it, but it's too powerful. Then, a new new megazord shows up)

Sean: "IT'S JIMMY!"


(Along with the Flash King, the Rangers defeat the monster, saving Milwaukee, or whatever's left of it)

Power Rangers GPX Supercharged, episode 49: The Power Rangers and the Very Eventful Sunday

:-:-:-: We're the best damn chance you've got, Power Rangers GPX, GO! :-:-:-:

"Our glorious military has been dealt a minor setback at the hands of the loathsome human Power Rangers and treasonous elves," said the elven TV presenter, sounding like the masterful propagandist he was, gleefully flipping reality and facts off, then pissing on it in the vein of others, like an old Soviet "news" reporter. "But our Great Commander has reassured us that in the case of more human aggression, we will crush them! The Great Commander Ragnar demands that you lay your lives down for the strength of Alfheim!" Seated on the couch, Sean, Maria and Ritchie loudly booed. Payton growled and barked to add his doggie voice.

Maria ran her hair through her new pixie cut. "Now they probably know how we Venezuelans feel about El Presidente Idiota," she said. "You should watch Aló Presidente on YouTube; it's like he's not even trying to hide that he's a fucking clown."

"Are we watching Fox News or RT?" Ritchie asked. "Wait, what?"

"El Presidente," she said sarcastically, "Has the most bizarre, rambling excuse for a talk show you'll ever see. El Presidente only wishes he were a genius dictator; in fact, he can't even run the government right, much less be a wannabe-autocrat or champion of the poor; he's not, by the way."

"Huh," said Ritchie. "Sounds like Glenn Beck—wait, you guys had to put up with him last year, right?"

"Fuck that guy," said Sean. He remembered the pudgy, delusional, lousy excuse for a TV pundit, who is named "Ben Dreck" in GPX Part II to keep it lawyer-friendly.

A propaganda poster appeared over her shoulder, depicting Ragnar looking off to the right in an apparently "strong" pose over declarative Elvish text none of the Rangers could read, but Arquen and Liz the image made the Rangers break out and laugh.

Kevin wasn't there. He was having lunch with business professor and former chancellor David award, who, being from Manchester, shared Kevin's legitimate and authentic affinity for a certain red-wearing football club from that city. Topics included the team's play, their eventual BPL championship, their chances in the Champions League, and the asshole-who-happened-to-be-American who owned the club.

The Power Rangers' laughter and snarky, MST3K-like attitude towards the propaganda didn't please Arquen or Eruvanda. To be fair, a few lines here and there, like Maria snarking about stretching the truth so thin you could see through it, made them laugh, at least a little bit. Other than that, their concern was visible on their faces.

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