Episode 43: Daisuki

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Arquen VO: "Previously on Power Rangers GPX Supercharged!"

Sean: "You mean you actually took a break from cow-tipping to go to these games?"

Eruvanda: "The Resistance is fighting to remove Ragnar. They are fighting for freedom, and yet I want to—God, I feel selfish."

Arquen: "You should do what you feel is right, of course."

Turelie: "The best opportunity to take the Queen is when the Rangers are out and she is defenseless."

Sean: I'm sorry, but I think we need to see OTTER people!

Eruvanda: "I AM STILL QUEEN! AND I WILL—I am selfish! Oh god, I am a horrible person!"

Arquen: "You will always be MY Queen."

Sean: "There IS such a thing as constitutional monarchy."

Power Rangers GPX Supercharged, episode 43: Daisuki

:-:-:-: We're the best damn chance you got, Pow-er Rang-gers G-P-X, let's go! :-:-:-:

Hitomi was scared.

She's always known that she likes boys. There was no doubt. She wouldn't have fallen in love with Sean in the first place if she wasn't. Over the years, she's had countless celebrity and real-life crushes on boys, and she wasn't ashamed of it at all. If there was anything to doubt, she didn't know what it was. A lot of times, she and her mom would talk about her crushes—usually crushes of the week—with a laugh and a week. And when she met Aamir, she was certainly attracted to him.

And as mentioned earlier, she fell in love with Sean, and why wouldn't she? The Red Ranger had incredible charisma and handsomeness (the hockey player kind) that drew her to him. There was more than that that drew her attention to him, of course. Maybe it was, despite her being set for life, she didn't know what it was like to be middle-class like he was, or his natural defiance.

But in reality, she was in love with the idea of Sean, not Sean himself. She loved what he represented: freedom from the crushing strictness, conformity, stuck-up, and stoicism of Japan. She saw the Westerners and their laid-back, defiant attitudes as a breath of fresh air after been underwater for 18 years. It was especially Sean's I-don't-give-a-fuck attitude that drew her to him and caused her to fall for him.

But, if there are characters that they can be compared to, then Sean is Naruto Uzumaki, Maria is Sakura Haruno and Hitomi is Hinata Hyuga (Note: Obviously Naruto ended up with Hinata, but the author ships NaruSaku and naruhina is the worst-executed ship he's ever seen). Sean and Maria spent more time together and gained mutual respect, admiration, trust and attraction through fighting alongside each other and shared interests like baseball. She was too blind to see that they just worked so well and Hitomi expected Sean to notice her from a distance. That's not how Western courtship works, and Hitomi was trapped by her own shyness-loving culture. Sean simply saw Hitomi as the little sister figure he never had.

Sean and Maria were now in a committed, healthy relationship. Hitomi gracefully conceded defeat. In fact, she did have a boyfriend, named Aamir.

... For a few weeks.

For some reason, things just didn't click with him. Now, love is weird, and she's learned that. But what she was feeling right now was different. It was towards a certain elf-girl, and it kept her awake at night.

She lost count of the number of dreams she had involving the elf-girl. She met Gina last fall. They were friends, right?


There was only one person she could talk to about the matter. Not her parents. Not her brother. Especially not her grandmother.

Maria said across from her, taking a sip of coffee while Sean worked on the night's dinner, a bison shepherd's pie, wearing a Blackhawks apron.

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