Episode 30: Guilt

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Hitomi VO: "Last time on Power Rangers GPX Supercharged!"

Hitomi: "Sean, this is Aamir Kapoor."

Aamir: "I'm just her friend."

Ragnar: "There must be a weakness to them."

Maelstrom: "His father is the president of the company that manufactured your morphers."

Ragnar: "We intend to deal with him."

Monster: "Surrender your morphers!"


Monster: "You've been doing this for nearly a year and you're already coming to grips with the fact that you have been killing living beings, aren't you?"

Rusco: "They are only human."

Power Rangers GPX Supercharged, episode 30: Guilt

:-:-:-: We're the best chance for humanity, Pow-wer Rang-gers G-P-X, let's go! :-:-:-:

"What were they thinking?" Ragnar asked whilst reviewing footage of their most recent battle with the Rangers.

"I know not, Commander," said Ingvar.

"Neither do I," said Túrelie. Each time they reviewed the footage, they figuratively scratched their heads at the behavior of the Rangers. Each time, the monster took advantage of their behavior. And yet, Phaedos and Tirna only rolled their eyes. Were they this stupid? Wisest and fairest of all beings, yeah right!

"Why don't you just raise the volume?" Phaedos roughly asked.

"You keep your mouth shut!" Ingvar snapped. But Ragnar held his hand out.

"No, he has a point," said Ragnar. "What are they saying?"

The volume was raised and now they could hear the monster taunting them. They looked at each other each time. He was certainly laying into them, but they were unaware of why they were not—wait.

Ingvar leaned forward. He had an inkling of suspicion, but he could not be sure. He listened intently to the monster and the Rangers, and then looked at their body language. It was impossible! But it made so much sense! There could only be one thing they were doing.

"He is goading them," he started, "Because he knows... they HESITATED!"

"What?" asked Ragnar.

"Listen to him!" Ingvar replied. "He is taunting them because he knows they cannot harm a living being, and thus they HESITATED!"

Realization struck all of them. Ragnar turned back to the screen and listened to the monster taunting them about their guilty conscience. "I see it now!" Ragnar said. "They have just realized what they have been doing for the past year!"

"Now it makes sense!" said Túrelie. "It must have been the frog we sent last time, the one who bled to death! Now they know what they are doing!"

"The realization they have taken another life!" said Ingvar, "They are in shock!"

"They are human, after all," said Ragnar.

"Congratulations, you figured it out!" said Tirna.

"Silence, you!" Ingvar snapped. "Now we have a strategy; guilt-trip them and once they are unwilling to fight, we will relieve them of their lives!"

"Like that's going to work," said Phaedos.

"You are not human, you do not know these emotions," said Ragnar. "Prepare another attack. We will use their own guilt against them."

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