Episode 29: Hitomi's Date

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Daisuke VO: "In the previous chapter of 'Power Rangers GPX Supercharged',"

Ingvar: [To Tirna and Túrelie] "You may not come out until you do work together and come up with a plan!"

Sean: "Weatherman said they're expecting 16 inches!" [Of snow]

Arquen: [While standing on a snow bank and nearly blowing his cover] "I did not know this snow was so compact."

Tiris: "It has been a long time, Queen Eruvanda."

Eruvanda: "I will not reveal my plans until the time is right."

Tirna: "We will send a monster after the Rangers and then lure the Queen out."

Sean: [To the wounded frog monster] "You're bleeding profusely! If you surrender, we'll treat your wounds and place you in hiding!"

[The frog monster declines and dies after losing too much blood. The Rangers are shocked, but they have to return to their house to deal with some Suitroops. However, Rob already took care of them]

Power Rangers GPX Supercharged episode 29: Hitomi's Date

:-:-:-: We're the best chance for humanity, Pow-wer Rang-gers G-P-X, let's go! :-:-:-:

Thanks to the weather, Lake Mendota had completely frozen over. That meant that anyone could step out onto the lake and play. Much of the snow was off the ice, so a few people were going ice skating. Some of them were hockey players.

Now a frozen lake, pond or river is sacred ground for a hockey player. For many, it's where they first started playing hockey, hence why the Winter Classic and other outdoor games are so popular. It's a sense of nostalgia for many a hockey player; cold air, learning how to skate for the first time, scoring goals, it's very much like those Saturday morning cartoons that become a big part of anyone's childhood.

The Wisconsin hockey team had a week off from the grueling schedule, but as you can tell by that last passage, some of the players were spending their off-day playing lake hockey. The sound of skates on the ice—the act of skating, stopping, turning, starting—and a puck hitting a stick and then shuffling to the other stick filled the air, the sounds themselves are the most wonderful for any hockey fan or player.

Those who did not play hockey sat on the side sipping hot chocolate, coffee and tea while watching these fellows relive their childhoods... and get in a few chirps.

"Metoxen has the puck, he darts past the defense, looks to fire a slap shot—"

"STOLEN by O'Callahan!" Sean interrupted, cackling all the way. "Ha ha, gotcha man!"

"Come back here, flatlander!" Ritchie shouted, chasing Sean. Ritchie might be faster than Sean, but Sean had a head start by now and once he got close to the other net, he stopped and turned like Patrick Kane does while Ritchie sped past. Then Sean took the puck past Ritchie.

"O'Callahan with the wrister shot, SCORES!" Cue Sean showboating like he just won the Stanley Cup with the Hawks.

"Hockey players," Maria muttered on the sideline. "I'll never understand them."

"Neither will I," said Janet.

"You both realize you're dating hockey players, correct?" Kevin interjected. "Besides, ruggers are worse."

"This is turning into an unnecessary competition," said Daisuke.

"Although soccer players are the best," Aaron smugly finished.

"Alright guys, let's take a break!" Jimmy said. Captain in the arena, captain out of the arena.

"WHAT!? I'm not done yet!" Rtichie shouted.

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