Episode 45: Aaron's Resolve

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Sean VO: "Last time on Power Rangers GPX Supercharged!"

Eruvanda: "You are troubled, my love."

Arquen: "I hope Tiris is okay."

Gina: "We're dating."

Ragnar: (To Tiris) "Take a company of Suitroops to Madison. You know what to do... You must battle Arquen."

Tiris: "Yes, Commander!"

Arquen: "I will deal with Tiris. You fight the robot."

(Arquen and Tiris fight. It's an intense struggle with neither of them coming on top. The Rangers defeat the robot in question)

Arquen: "I was holding back."

Ragnar: "It is obvious you did your best despite the circumstances."

Power Rangers GPX Supercharged, episode 45: Aaron's Resolve

:-:-:-: We're the best damn chance you've got, Power Rangers G-P-X, let's go! :-:-:-:

Aaron's back felt like it was about to give out. He strained his back and face, struggling to complete the wall-sitting exercise amidst the rehab trainer's shouts of encouragement. His eyelids crushed together and he screamed before falling back on the mat, grabbing his back. "Fuck, fuck, FUCK!" he shouted as he writhed on the mat.

"You're doing better!" the therapist said. "Now come on, MOVE IT! You're almost there!"

"HOW!?" he shouted. "I HAVEN'T GOTTEN ANYWHERE!"

"Aaron, relax!"

"DON'T FUCKING TELL ME TO RELAX!" he screamed, drawing an eye roll from the trainer. "IT'S BEEN ALMOST FIVE MONTHS AND MY BACK IS STILL KILLING ME!"

"Aaron, if you want to get better, you need to stop yelling at me," his trainer said firmly and gently. "I'm trying my best."

Aaron's face relaxed as he could feel some of the agonizing back pain go away, allowing him to sit up straight. His dreadlocks hung off his head, and his sweaty face wore a guilty expression. "I know," he said. "And I'm sorry. I just want the pain to go away now now. This is driving me insane!"

"Now-now? What's that—oh, South African thing," the trainer muttered. "Aaron, having done this for ten years, let me tell you that physical therapy is neither quick, nor easy. You gotta work on it, buddy." He turned around to look at the TV.

The Power Rangers were in the middle of a fight with one of the bad monsters over on the west side, near West High. Aaron watched the fight, gingerly crossed his legs and sighed with an equally-wistful expression. His trainer bit and licked his lip, turned back towards the TV and patted the Joburger's shoulder. Aaron turned his head towards him. The trainer gave him a knowing look and a nod. Aaron nodded in reply. Then he turned back to the TV to watch the fight. "Just a little longer, Aaron, just a little longer," he said to himself.

:-:-:-: PRGPX :-:-:-:

The Rangers had this one in the bag. The monster was weak, compared to other monsters. Didn't mean he was a piece of cake, as evidenced by how he smacked Arquen to the side, making him tumble on the pavement until he crashed into a car.

"Oh boy, that's gonna cause some trouble!" said Sean.

"WHAT are you doing!?" the Zordonian general-in-the-employ-of-Ragnar Tirna shouted. "You're overmatched, LEAVE!"

"You talking to us, or the shitty monster!?" Sean taunted. "You, um... say, what's your gender?"

"Why should I tell you?" Tirna asked. "But if you must know, I don't subscribe to a binary gender spectrum! In fact, I don't subscribe to gender one bit!"

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