Episode 31: Tiris's Plan

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Ritchie VO: "Last time on Power Rangers GPX Supercharged!"

Ingvar: "They cannot harm a living being!"

Phaedos: "You've got a good punch... for a woman."

Túrelie: "If you were of no use to Commander Ragnar, I would kill you right here and now,"

Eruvanda: "What is it, Robert?"

Rob: "You guys are not murderers."

Eruvanda: "If my people only saw what wonderful people you were, they would cease this ridiculous campaign!"

Monster: "Let loose! Kill me now!"

Sean: ""Surrender or leave."

[The monster does not. Instead it tries to attack the pro-union protestors, but the Rangers kill him. They return home devastated and confused about what to do next.]

Power Rangers GPX Supercharged, episode 31: Tiris's Plan

:-:-:-: We're the best chance for humanity, Power Rangers G-P-X, let's go! :-:-:-:

"I should have seen this coming," said Col. Greene.

"Seen what?" asked Maelstrom.

"This," Col. Greene replied. His office in the Pentagon was quiet, save for some chatter outside in the corridors and the ticking Grandfather clock. Col. Greene tapped his temple while considering the situation. "They're not soldiers—except for Silver, of course, but he's a Marine. Still, we should have known they'd react this way."

"When they found out about the monsters?" asked Maelstrom, "It should have been obvious to them in the first place. What did they think they were doing, sending them to another dimension?"

"It's a kids' show," said Col. Greene, "I seriously doubt they were even thinking about that."

"They should have," said Maelstrom. "The Red Ranger was going around threatening to kill those monster back in Tokyo, was he not?"

Col. Greene sighed after the Samuel L. Jackson look-alike finished. "It's easier to threaten to kill someone than to actually do it. Regardless, I should have warned them."

"Now you start acting like they're your kids," said Maelstrom, "You should have thought of that when you transferred command to us."

"And now I'm regretting it," said Col. Greebe, "Who knows what you're hiding from them?"

"Don't start with that," said Maelstrom, "We did what we had to do."

"I suppose I should be grateful you didn't make the same mistakes the CIA, FBI and NSA made. I honestly keep wondering when the NSA story's going to break, if what you're saying is true."

"Alan, the fact of the matter is, they should know what they're getting into," Maelstrom continued, "If you're going to shield them like an overprotective parent, then perhaps you shouldn't be allowed anywhere near them."

"Don't forget it was me who brought them together," said Col. Greene, "And I was the one who made this Project into what it is. You're goddamn right I'm protective of them. And I care deeply about their mental well-being."

"And I don't care!" said Maelstrom.

"Then maybe you should, Tom," Col. Greene replied. "What are they to you? Nameless agents? You won't even go to Madison!"

"They have more than capable support," said Maelstrom.

"Apparently not enough."

"Are you dismissing my organization?" asked Maelstrom.

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