Episode 41: Gina's Temptation

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Rob VO: "Last time on Power Rangers GPX Supercharged!"

Kevin: "I'm glad us Project Ranger trainees could finally meet!"

Jimmy: "I've been talking to some of these guys, I think I might be able to start my own team!"

UN Agent: "We picked up teleportation energy in Madison."

Sean: "And you want us to investigate?"

(The Rangers are attacked by a group of elves, but not ones related to Ragnar's group.

Arquen: "[Who are you what are you doing with us?]"

Kevin: "That's Gaelic!"

Eruvanda: "I am planning a coup alongside a mole within the military, who in turn, is coordinating with student protestors."

Aengus (through Kevin's translation): "Deal!"

Power Rangers GPX Supercharged, episode 41: Gina's Temptation

:-:-:-: We're the best damn chance you've got, Power Rangers G-P-X, let's go! :-:-:-:

Gina had annoyed the Rangers with her bad attempts at "helping" them too many times. Rusco gave her a stern talking to after she was nearly killed by a badger monster (how ironic) and well, grounded her, since she still lives at home, at which point she went through your typical teen rebellion, even though she's going to be stuck in the body of a 20-something for 40 years once she hits 20. She'll get used to it, at least that's what every other elf she met told her.

But there were things she could not get used to. Born and raised in Madison, this was her home. But...



"I still want that Lego set, elf girl!"

"HEY! Rivendell called, they want their girls back!"

"Fuck you, AND your buddy Ragnar!"

"UGH!" Gina groaned and cringed at the harsh words being thrown her way. The UW campus was not a place she wanted to get this kind of hate.

Still, she had Hitomi there to glare at everyone who said anything to her, especially when they moved to grab her. Hitomi reached and grabbed the woman who tried to threaten Gina and pushed her away. The assailant stumbled backwards and onto the grass of Bascom Hill. She growled, got up and left.

"I can't believe people," Hitomi moaned. "Is it this bad?"

"It's getting harder every day," said Gina. "Somebody called me 'Arwen' yesterday. Worst. Spring break. EVER."

"I'm so sorry about that," said Hitomi.

"Don't say that!" Gina snapped. But she stopped and looked down at the ground remorsefully. "I'm sorry, Hitomi. I shouldn't have lashed out like that."

"I don't blame you," Hitomiu replied. "But apology accepted." A snowball (made by the last little bit of snow on the ground) smacked Gina right in the cheek. Some seniors—frat boy types—walked towards two pair.

"Get out of here, you little elf bitch," said the one in the lead. "My dad's fucking crippled because your friends! You're gonna pay for that!"

"Go away!" Gina replied.

"Or what?" he laughed. "Whaddaya gonna do? Stuff cookies in my face?" The frat boys had the girls surrounded. Like that mattered to both of them, they could easily take these assholes out without breaking a sweat. They just didn't want to. Why?

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