Episode 52: That Legendary Place That the End of the Map Reveals, part 1

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Power Rangers GPX Supercharged, episode 52: That Legendary Place The End of the Map Reveals, Part 1

:-:-:-: We're the best damn chance you've got, Power Rangers GPX, let's go! :-:-:-:

The Power Rangers, Eruvanda, and 150 North Woods elves flew out of Dane County Regional Airport on 3 US Air Force Chinook helicopters heading east. The Rangers, in their own Chinook with Liz, Arquen, and less than 50 North Woods elves, sat across from each other, but Sean sat next to a US army sergeant who was visibly disappointed to be babysitting or something like that.

"So, uh, is this a bad time to ask about the glorification of the military?" Sean quipped to the Army sergeant. The sergeant grinned, rolled his eyes and ignored him. "How are we going to fly to Finland in this thing?" Sean asked.

"We're not!" the sergeant replied.

"Oh, now you answer me?"

"Time difference and flight time meant we needed to pick you up as soon as your exams were over," the sergeant continued. "At least you got to say good-bye to the other operatives."

"I wasn't going to ask, but thanks," said Sean. Jimmy and his team, as well as Kaylee and her team, had seen the GPX Rangers off at Dane County Regional Airport, where they also picked up the other 150-something North Woods elves. Sean and Jimmy said goodbye and Sean told his cousin that he loved him, just like he'd told his sister he loved her minutes earlier. Gina was also there, and she and Hitomi shared a kiss before she boarded the helicopters with the rest of her team.

Sean turned to look at Maria. She gave him an amused expression. He laughed and turned to look out the porthole. Milwaukee, still heavily damaged by the attack the previous month, passed under the helicopters, and Sean's wonder changed into confusion. He looked up at the sergeant. "Hey! Are we going to fly these things all the way to Finland!?" he asked.

"Nope!" the sergeant responded.

"Then why are we already over Lake Michigan!? And why didn't we board a plane at Dane?"

"Our transportation is waiting!" the sergeant replied, smiling.

"Is it top secret?"


"Well we're top-secret, why not tell us!?"

"Just wait till you see what it is!" the sergeant laughed again.

The Power Rangers exchanged nervous glances.

"Your country's military is crazier than I thought!" Aaron shouted over the din of the helicopter engines, which we forgot to mention earlier.

"You're telling me!" Sean replied. The guy whose brother-in-law is a Marine didn't need to be told that the military was crazy.

"And proud of it!" the sergeant laughed. He turned to Eruvanda and Arquen, who sized him up.

"You can cut the 'aloof elf' bit now," Sean told them.

Instantly, both sighed, slumping into their seats. The sergeant watched, amazed that some kid who'd only been playing hockey just a year ago could do... that.

"These heels are not good for my back," Eruvanda remarked.

"Preach it," Maria replied, having had to put up with high heels on more than one occasion. Goodness knows how much the Queen of the Elves, supposedly at least twice as old as Maria, had to put up with them.

"So if we're not flying by plane, how are we getting there!?" Sean continued. "Those Sconnie elves can teleport the length of the state, you guys teleported from the other side of the globe, how are we-"

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