➸ 3. The Pull

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Chapter Soundtrack:
Maroon 5 - She Will Be Loved

This Chapter Has Been Re-Edited



Waking up, I didn't feel like moving. I stared up at the swirl patterns in the ceiling, feeling my stomach turn and twist, an agonizing torture.

I was anticipating a new day, one where I could either hide in my room or face the world and explain what everyone saw yesterday while Deacon and I held hands in the canoe for all the pack to see. It was harmless, but some probably wouldn't see it that way.

Yesterday had been a devastating event for my heart. Drifting near the Pack House without realizing it, the canoe had absentmindedly made its way directly in front of the back yard and everyone was staring at us.

He was staring at us, at me, with so much intensity that it had me shivering.

Thankfully, no one could see my face up close, red-rimmed, puffy eyes on display.

Deacon managed to snap me out of it, forcing me to help paddle us back to the dock, trees obstructing the view of the other wolves once we got far enough down the bank.

I think I'm just going to lay in bed today. I didn't want to have to face anyone. The embarrassment of not only being caught in an intimate position with my best friend but also having my mate taken from me by a one night stand was too much to bare.

Even though the pack was giving them dirty looks as I watched the festivities from my bedroom window that day, I was so embarrassed having to deal with my mate being taken away from me.

That mate of mine had a conscience about him and right now I hated that he did, but he wouldn't just leave her to fend for herself. He was too much of a good man.

If only he had just waited for me.

Now everyone knew the details, they felt pity for me I'm sure. The poor, seventeen-year-old, newly-shifted, Beta-blooded juvenile, finding her mate so soon, the Alpha's first-born son. Having to watch that wolf he brought back with him as she grew their wolf-pup in her belly. Everyone would give me the pity stare, I just know it.

The wolf that the Moon Goddess made for me had gotten another female pregnant during a heat-induced haze and now I'm sure she will bear his mark eventually. She will be my Luna one day, the position that was meant for me.

I didn't care about any of that, though, not the titles, I just wanted my mate. We were taught about the mate bond in school, how it overpowers every tangible feeling you could possibly hope for, how your mate is your gift from the moon, complimenting your personality. They were your other half, the person you will always be drawn to.

There's no escaping the pull of the mate bond. During a female's heat, their mate will break down doors just to get to them, which is why our parents have to keep us guarded. It's every male's kryptonite, their female's scent.

I would have to hide when my time came.

I don't know what happened with my mate's situation with that female, but I know I'm thankful that the Alpha and Luna live on another part of the property with their family so I wouldn't have to smell my mate and the other wolf.

It would kill me.

A knock on my door had me bolted to my position, afraid of who it might be, eyes going wide. I had been so lost in my thoughts, I hadn't even heard or smelled him approaching.

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