48. Runaway

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Chapter Soundtrack :
Aurora - Runaway

Dedicated to jazzwynter for the music!

if you find a song that goes good with a previous chapter, post it on my wall along with the chapter name bc sometimes i cant see all my comments!

This chapter wound up being 8000 words so i had to split it in two but im posting them both at the same time so you can keep reading but i still need those comments!

And obviously i cant stop at 60 chaps so idk how long this will be Sorry?


Tension in the air, thick like a blanket of fog..

I watched as Nic stormed inside the Clinic, fury in his eyes. His wolf was just under the surface. Unstoppable.
Blake tried to hault him in his tracks but Nic was on a mission.. sliding past Blake as the Alpha just shook his head . Hard to come between an Alpha and his mate.

This would end badly. I needed to get out if here.. say my goodbyes quickly.

"Eden." I walked over to her, wrapping my arms around her. "Are you okay?"

Her tall frame seemed to dwarf me, with her Willowy height, I always told her she could have been a model.

"I'm fine Nova." She sighed, hugging me back hard before we broke away, staring into one anothers eyes. "Im just.. i dont know. Sometimes i feel like i want to be happy. Being an Oracle is .. well its an honor. But sometimes i have this urge.. i want a bond with someone. I guess being alone has gotten me down when i see all these things happening around me with mates being paired." Her tight smile seemed to melt my heart. She would always be alone.. unless she wanted to give up the Moon's gift. I held her gaze. Putting all the emphasis i could in my feelings.

"Do what makes you happy Ede. Trust me. If you decide to give up being an Oracle for a bond, no one will hate you for it. But you still have a ton of time to decide. Ill tell you though. A mate bond isnt what its cracked up to be. I would trade with you any day." I let out a breath of laughter but i was serious.

It hurts too much.

Which is why im running.. running far away. To a new home. A place that will become my home.

Eden chuckled before she locked eyes with me again, "thank you. For talking to him. I know you are the reason he spoke to me... "

Nodding, "anytime but he would have come on his own eventually. I just gave him a push...  Eden. Listen.. theres somthing i have to do and i need you to promise me you wont hate me for it."

Her head cocked to the side as her green eyes became soft. "I was wondering when youd tell me. I had a vision."

I sighed. Of course she knew...

Slipping one of the envelopes out of my purse, i handed it to her, her name scrawled in calligraphy on the front. "Read this later tonight. And know i will always keep in touch okay?"

She nodded with tears in her eyes, taking the letter from me as we embraced.. tightly holding each other.

my soul dropped
i would miss this female.

"I need to go do something. I love you Eden." Whispered into her hair.

"I love you too Nova." She sniffled, her manicured hands wiping at her eyes. As i backed away slowly, a small smile on my face.

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