44. Broken

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Chapter Soundtrack:
Paramore - We Are Broken



The clouds were billowing through the sky, a heavy grey shield of puffy clouds blocking the sun from shining. An overcast day.. no rainclouds.. everything was just grey.

A cool breeze blowing through the tree tops that were thinning out as their leaves lost their green, sending bursts of red, orange and yellow leaves to the ground as they dotted the road with their bright colors.

It was no longer scorching hot outside... first day of fall and the temp had dropped immensely, making it comfortable for long sleeves and pants. No jackets just yet.. I could almost smell the pumpkins and bonfire smoke that would soon come.

Wearing a black flannel button up and my favorite skinnies, i pounded down the dirt road as my knee length black boots crunched the dead fallen leaves underneath. My hair was piled high on my head, showing off the mark on my neck that was still red and irritated yet no longer swollen.. setting into my skin comfortably... wanting Grace to see it.. if chances were i saw her.. i wanted her to know. I wanted to remind Zaryn of what he did.

My arms were crossed, a heavy scowl on my face as I rounded the corner, coming face to face with Doc's clinic where I could see Alpha Blake pacing outside.. waiting. For an older wolf, to be thirtyeight, he was an attractive male.. if i didn't want to hurt him so badly and didnt see him as an uncle, i would probably fall over myself whenever I saw those blue eyes similar to Zaryn's.

But that wasnt the case.

My boots made havy sounds as i stomped up the sidewalk only to be haulted by Blake sidling up in front of the door, his chest puffed and a frown on his face.

"Nova, if you've come to start trouble then-" he grumbled.

"Send your son our here this instant!" I shouted, angry at everyone right now..who does he think I am?

He growled low. "Watch how you speak to me. Im still your Alpha and your mate is -"

I shook my head, cutting him off. "I meant Nic. I dont want to even see Zaryn! Ever again! You can tell him that! Matter of fact ill tell him myself!" I growled. The wolf inside me gave a whimper as i passed the words through the mate bond along with a series of curses.

Sighing irritably, Blake walked through the door as i leaned against the support beam, hard lines set all over my face as Nic stepped out into the cloudy light.. fallen leaves rustling around the porch as a breeze picked up.

His expression was forlorn.. sad. His mossy green eyes held no light in them as they found mine. He trudged over to me limply.. no confidence in his steps.. "hey Nova.. " he gave me a weak smile... eyes lingering on my mark with narrowed eyes.

I glowered at him. "Dont hey nova me." I was being bratty but i was tired of being walked all over. Used. The mate bond and being ignored for days after an intimate moment with my mate was hitting me hard.

"Nic what the hell were thinking.. using my best friend like that? You took our your sadness on Eden! Then here you are with Grace.. helping her through something .. after everything she did! You were the one who said you wanted to make her atone for her sins! For doing what she did! And no one is studying the fact she poisoned Deacon into doing those things to me!" My tone was angry and loud.. i didnt care who heard and i knew they all were witnessing our little show.

Nic scowled. "Eden was a mistake. I shouldn't have done that.. but its not like she has a mate anyway." Furyflew through me as he continued. "And yes. I said those things about Grace.. but with the new events of me being first born.. having a chance? I cant deny that i feel for her.. even if she is pregnant with my half brothers pup. Im a weak wolf. What can i say? And Zaryn told us all what Anita told you about Grace. Her story. She was coerced into doing those things! She's been with Anita and Conrad all her life! The two most tainted wolves in the world Nova! Conrad... raising her all this time only to abandon her? My wolf is going crazy inside!" His hands fisted in his hair, tugging harshly as agression poured from his skin. I had to take a step back from the power that surged from him. "You wanna know why im bigger now? Why my wolf s becoming more dominant? Because i grew up thinking i was no alpha.. but the moment i found Grace.. my wolf wanted to show his mate that he can provide.. now that i know the truth.. i can feel the power! But i feel powerless knowing that because shes pregnant with that wolf's pup in there," he jabbed his thumb angrily toward the clinic, "that his wolf is so paternal over his pup.. that now he's seen the sonogram picture that the skin side is paternal as well now.. it makes me sick to think that i may have to watch my mate bear his pup! And the sickest part is that I still want her!" His tone had died down into one of agony, a hand gripping his shirt over his heart with a mask of pain.

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