81. Gemini Moon ♊

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Chapter Soundtrack:
Bon Ive & St. Vincent - Roslyn

Shatter is back on the list!
Twitter: @ authorwowchilee

Thinking of a diff pen name so my friends and family dont recognize me! Eeek! Also thinking of making a fb page for my work and fun things to do with characters.

Scroll to very end to see the new covers made for me by a reader! Their username is below as well.. all the way at the end!!


Whispy tentacles of mist wrapped around me in the darkness, encasing my soul.. Hazy tendrils like smoke... pulling me as if i was as light as a feather.

My soul lifting high in a wide expanse of darkness; The Dark abyss dotted with twinkling stars. A bright silver light shining above.. coming closer and closer as my soul rose upward into the onyx sky.

Am i meeting the moon? Is this death?

Is this how wolves die? Is this where they go?

Pulling me up, up and up.. I became buoyant. Just floating in space.

I'm going home. To the moon.

I felt no fear. No worry. Nothing but pure joy overcame my entire being. I felt safe.. but this isnt where i wanted to be.

Another bright silver light that seemed to glow even brighter than the moon produced itself out of thin air once my body haulted in front of the moon. An apparition.

The blinding glow led me to believe this was the moon goddess herself, meeting me on the surface of the moon.

Could it be?

"Nova." A voice i knew all to well called to me.

I seemed to be hovering, in was almost like swimming. I could move my arms and feet... treading air to move around.

"Deacon!?" I called out but i didnt see anything aside from the glowing form before me.

"Nova you cant see me. Not until she allows it." He seemed sad.

"Why? Am i dying?" My hands felt their way down my body, resting on the very place a life had been growing inside me and my eyes widened.

I can't die. Zaryn needs me.. my pup.. my pup that never got the chance to live needs me..

"No. You aren't dying. Didn't i tell you that you had the moon's favor?" He seemed to laugh at me

I floated in the air, thinking on his words. "Deacon, a spear was lodged through my chest. My dads too. How can-'

"You of all people should have more faith in the moon. Everything happens for a reason Nova. Everything. The moon willed what needed to happen.. But.... its not your time to die.."

I felt my forehead crease. "Not my time? Then why am i here?" I glanced at the glowing apparition. She was indeed the moon goddess. No face.. all you felt was her presence. One of peace.

A deep chuckle sounded and i floated in circles trying to find the owner.. to find Deacon. "You are inbetween dimensions. Your soul wants to leave but your wolf wont go down without a fight." He laughed lightly, stepping out of the blackness. Just the same Deacon i always remebered... smiling boyishly.

My eyes went wide when i saw him
"Deacon?! Oh Deacon!!!" I tried to throw myself at him with no avail. This was another world.

"Nova. The moon wants you to know that you arent invincible just because you are her warrior. She wants you to be more conscious of that. She will use you to carry out her will.. but you must learn that you can die, just like the rest of the wolves. She wanted you in limbo.. here with us. To speak with you. Im her translator for this."

Shatter  ✔ #TheWattys2017Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα