32. Discovery

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Hello lovelies! Shatter was #34 yesterday! Ermigerd! I can't believe it. Can i just say im gonna crap myself if it gets up to the top 10!?!?

🎵🎶started from the bottom now we here🎶🎵

Haha anyways.. heres a POV we have all been waiting for!!!

Next chapter Grace's daddy comes to town 😲😲😲😲


I stared down at my beautiful mate.. so many emotions flooding through me at once..

Love.. guilt.. rage.. hatred.. agony.. sadness.. 

She lay in the hospital bed, her hair a gorgeous dark brown with highlights of chestnut and caramel.. an array of shimmering color wrapped into one.. beautiful waves cascading around her sleeping form.

Such long beautiful hair.. my fingers itched to touch it.. so i did. Stroking silky strands between my fingers lightly as i studied her usually tanned face which was now pale from the bloodloss.. dark circles under her eyes and her pouty pink lips now a flesh tone...dry..

My lips still ached to kiss hers..

The bond between us was like standing in the ocean.. feeling light, weightless as waves lapped at your skin.. this was the affect that she had on me. It was even more of a pull now that our wolves were one..

My wolf tried to reach out to hers but she wasn't answering. My own brother had poisoned her with herbs that put the wolf side in a deep sleep, leaving the skin side helpless... doing that to a werewolf is unforgivable.  If I hadn't shown up in time, I hate to think what would have happened..

My fist clenched when i thought of Deacon.. my so called brother. The one who attempted to take advantage of my mate.. to forcibly mark and mate her as his own when he has a mate out there somewhere. He has always wanted what I had.

Deacon was no longer my brother.

Nic was more of a brother to me that Deacon would ever be..

But i would deal with Deacon later. Right now i needed to focus on Nova.

It broke my heart that she had seen me kiss Grace. I don't even know what happened or why i did it.. i just felt.. compelled to kiss her. It was just a friendly kiss which happened to be on the lips but i felt nothing from it. I cant even remember why i did it!

The pain in Nova's eyes.. it hurt her. Deeply. And for that i will forever feel horrible... i can't stand to see her hurt. Especially now that i can feel her wolf's emotions too.

Thinking of the letters she left me...

They hurt. Her words saying she didnt want me anymore.. that i should be with Grace when i didn't want to be. I just want Nova. I'll always only ever want Nova. I wish she could see that.

I put my hand under Nova's, feeling her soft skin as i let the welcomed electric current soothe my emotions.. so many I was feeling right now as I held her hand.


I turned quickly to see Nic standing in the doorway with my dad and Beta Jack, Nova and Nic's dad. Jack peered down at Nova with helpless green eyes.. her entire family had green eyes, just all different shades... Nova's was the best by far.. her eyes were always so bright like rich clovers, flecks of gold around the inner part..

"Dad. Beta Jack. Nic." I nodded my head, stepping toward them, my skin crawling, wanting to be close to Nova's once more. I clenched my jaw, preparing myself for my next words.

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