85. Funeral

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♡°•▪ ATTENTION▪•°♡

Is the name.

These talented masters of design need your vote! Winners will be credited in story bio and first chap along with a cover logo somewhere small , if that's your pref.
I will also do this on twitter as well but facebook is your best bet!

Go find me so you dont miss important info! The contest will start after last chap is posted. Minus epilogues.


■if u skipped the author note go back■

Passing by trees as tall as sky scrapers, thick with their wooded trunks and leafy green canopies overhead, the drive leading up Dark Moon territory was beautiful. So many more trees than we had at Cresent or at Blue moon.

"Wow." I breathed, my eyes wide as Maxim's suv lead the way, many, many vehicles following behind.

"You like it?" His was curious, sparing a glance my way to gauge my reaction. I nodded with my eyes still wide as they focused in front of me.

Overhead, trees from both sides met in the middle at their tops, bowing over and forming a sort of bridge above us with flowering vines hanging all around.

"I think you'd really like it here. You know.. if you decide you wanted to come here to live.." his voice soft, taking in me while i took in everything around us.

Biting my bottom lip, i didnt reply. I felt as if it were something that didnt need my answer. Just a guess on his part. Maybe hope.

It took is nearly a miles worth of scenic driving before we were pulling up to a HUGE stone castle-esque mansion.. estate.. whatever you could call this. It was an old fashioned stone mansion in the woods that could easily pass for a small castle. Pillars that reminded me of ancient castles ive seen in history books.

Stone Gargoyles sat on the roof top looking out and also two sat along pillars that led to the stairs of the mansion. It was so freaking amazing, like a wonderland. Maxim pulled into the giant circular shaped driveway and i clung to the window like a puppy needing air, too amazed with what i was seeing.

"What the fúcçk Maxim. What the hell is this place!?!?" I was awestruck.

"This is the pack house." He was silent for a moment as was I. Then i turned around, whipping my head towards him , my long blonde locks swirling over my shoulder.

"Are you kidding me? This is your pack house?" My tone had risen an octave.

Maxim turned the ignition off, quietly staring at me before he nodded. "Do you like it?"

"Like it? I want to marry it and have babies with it!" I gazed back out the window.

I probably should not have said that. Why do i cringe at my own words.

Maxim cleared his throat. "I'll show you the inside next time we come. But the funerals are going to be held across the river so we-"

"A river!?" I exclaimed, finding his amused eyes.. bright glacier blue.. like shards of crystals reflecting tropical waters in his irises.

I wanted to marry this male already and i havent even kissed him..

Calm down eden. Calm down. Its just a house.

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