22. Agony

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Thank you so much to those of you who have voted on my story by clicking the star! It has moved up to #48 on the hot list... the highest rank it has recieved so far! I love having something written that you all love to read. It makes my heart swell with happiness that i am able to create a world for you to lose yourself in because that is why i read and also why i write :)

Again. Thank you all so much!


Zaryn's  POV.         (Omg!!!)

Heart shattering misery.




These were the feelings Nova was experiencing. She was forcing her wolf to feel them, punishing her for submitting to my own wolf. For allowing their natural instincts to take over.

I dropped to my knees with the sorrow i felt that came from the grief she bore. It was a nauseating gut wrenching sadness I have never even come close to feeling.

I hated it.

I hated myself.

I dont even know where it started to go wrong..

When Grace voiced her excitement over feeling our pup kick, her eyes scanning around for a smile.. from anyone. She recieved nothing but glares. Something inside me clicked, the wolf urging me to go feel our pup. He didn't like that no one was happy with the news..

Grace looked down, realizing she wouldn't get sympathy here.. not from this pack who wanted their rightful Luna. The next moment, im kneeling, hands on her belly as she smiled down at me, feeling my pup kicking her firm swollen flesh into my hand. I don't remember getting there.. one moment I was standing, watching... then i was there, touching Grace's stomach. My wolf's need to feel his future were dominant, taking over my control.


The males speaking of challenges the moment I took the lead after my father..

females looking on and growling with disrespect.. those were the things I heard.

In that moment the sound of a  guttural fierce growl that had pups whimpering and a few juveniles shivering with the need to cower, filled the air, alerting my wolf to danger. i turned, seeing Nova's beautiful white wolf with gray markings, her chest low to the ground, ears flat, tail down over her lifted rump, ready to spring. The hate in her eyes.. the need to kill. To taste the blood vesseling my blood.. teeth exposed fully as she snarled, spittle flying from her muzzle.

I froze. Her silverish eyes on Grace.

I had no control anymore, these feelings inside me so confusing.. i wanted to go to Nova. But my wolf felt the need to protect his offspring. He also wanted to calm his mate.

It was a difficult feeling to feel.. being torn in two different directions.

The males cheered, wanting her to take Grace out.. i didnt like this.. and they would all deal with me after this was over. They have outwardly expressed contempt for my pup for so long.. i wouldn't have this anymore.

My confusion allowed my wolf to kick me to the back, shifting immediately as my clothes shredded, filling the evening air with ripping sounds along with the sick snapping and crackling of bones. The bonfire crackled, the fire's  flames licked up against the shadows between us, revealing her silverish blue eyes more clearly , watching mine.

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