26. Loophole

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Chapter Soundtrack:
Rihanna - what now

Shining. Beautiful. Bright.

The gold locket stared back at me from its place in the intricately carved wooden box Zaryn had made me. ... taunting me.

Eyeing it with contempt, i debated on throwing it away.. out the window, away from my hands that itched to hold it, to linger upon those memories  and keep them with me.

But now they were just memories and the broken girl who once had hope was now jaded in a world that only brought disappointment.

But it would be such a beautiful waste to throw out ..

Or maybe I could give it to Grace. Tell her Zaryn had given it to me and that maybe she could replace my green stone with a murky brown one, representing her own eye color.

Sighing, i placed the carved wooden lid  back on the box, securing the tiny latch, realizing whether i hated him or not, i couldn't be rid of the gift he had give me. It was special.. memories of a better moment during a hurricane of trauma..

They say people who experience an emotion with a force.. something that lingers with you for a while.. that it can change you. I believe that.

Before i  knew i was mated to Zaryn, i was spastic, carefree, always getting into trouble.. then once hurricane disgrace got out of the truck with him that night, I knew my heart would shatter. And it did. I spent so many weeks being miserable and alone, crying myself to sleep at night.. then one day it seemed just.. better. Zaryn and I started spending time together and i gained hope. It was always too good to be true., telling myself i wasnt going to do something, then winding up and doing it. Now my wolf is marked and things arent the same. I dont even want to see him. I dont want to hear his voice or taste his scent on my tongue when i smell him lingering nearby.

All these deep seeded emotions ive felt.. then giving me hope only to take it away, taking my choice away..

Its changed me.

Im no longer that happy carefree girl running around pranking other wolves. Now im that wolf that holds a distant look in her eyes.. pain that left a scar deep inside me. Now I'm just here.. not caring about anything. Or anyone. It will only grow the more i detatch myself from my would-be life.

And im okay with that.

Deciding i really didnt want Zaryn anymore was like a weight lifting off my shoulders. His dramatic life won't affect me anymore and i made the decision not to let it. I'm glad he told me he didn't want to continue to see me.. that he wanted to do right by Grace. It gave me the strength i needed to hate him.

I shut the bedside table drawer, deciding to put this memory in a place memories should be kept.
In a box. At the top of my closet, with the rest of the memorabilia i had collected in life.

Closing the lid of the box as i stood on my tip toes to push it back up on the shelf, I could hear the front door opening downstairs followed by feet running up the stairs and down the hall towards my room with urgency.


Eden's scent.

Bursting through my door with the speed of light, not bothering to knock, she searched frantically finally finding me standing in front of my closet with a blank expression. She sighed in relief, closing the door hard before her green eyes landed on me in disbelief. Tiny lines of worry creased her otherwise smooth forhead as she made her way to me, standing non chalantly as i shut the closet door.

"What the hell was that! Nova you know Alpha is going to come down on you hard for what you did! You could get chained to the pole as your punishment!" Her voice was like nails on a chalkboard, frantic, grinding against my skin.

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