28. Beware

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As i sat in my long t-shirt, waiting on my bed in the quiet darkness, my mind kept spiraling out of control..

The things Deacon had said..

That we almost...

The bile that came up my throat was shoved back down instantly as i tried to focus on anything but the images flashing in my mind of what could have happened. Thank the goddess i have no recollection.

How dare he even try something like that!!! It made me furious to no end. How could years of friendship... the one of which i was there for, be thrown away in the blink of an eye? He has never loved me like that and that is the most thing im sure of. Not Deacon. But something is different.

His blood was different..

He thinks he can challenge his brother.. thinks he can kill him.. and whatever pup he has..

that's not Deacon. Thats not my D.

But he isn't aware of what is brewing under the surface. No one is.

Tears threatened to fall as i mourned my lost friendship .. it no longer existed anymore and it hurt. What also hurt was Zaryn. I recalled seeing Zaryn with Grace.... and that was something that burned under my skin like embers on a fire.

Not caring anymore is fun and all... when you arent there to see the things that happen when you're not around. To believe the pretty words out of a guy's mouth.. that he loves you. That you're the one..

But fairytales dont exist and im finding that out slowly.

The one single person in this world MADE for me... he rubs his hands against another females belly swollen with his pup. Those pretty words were nothing compared to the actions that came from him.

Never believe pretty words because that's all they are. Never believe or trust when a guy says your all he wants because its not true..

And im learning this the hard way. With my own mate.

I let myself stew just slightly in my own greif. Yes im hardened because of this.. but it still hurts. Its not as painful but it still hurts. It hurts to feel unwanted. Anyone would feel that way...

Just as i wipe the last tears ill cry for Zaryn from my face, i heard the back door downstairs creek open, pushing my pain to the side for a moment to focus..


Waiting patiently, I listened as he came up the stairs slowly, one step at a time before I got up and walking to the door. My anger at him was like a hot lava, revitalizing my senses... desensitizing me to sadness. Anger is always the best thing for that.

Once i heard him open his door, i ripped mine open, catching him off guard as i stood there, glaring at him.

"Nova!" His eyes were widened with shock, his handsome chiseled face looking as if he got his hand caught in the cookie jar as I pushed him into his room, closing the door softly before standing before him with a heated gaze, my green eyes narrowed up at his.

"So you've been protecting Grace over your own sister... sneaking around.. sniffing her cabin.. you have interactions with her too?" I spat, betrayel and hurt was too solid to block it from coming through.

Taken aback, he gazed down at me. "What?"

A disgusted scoff left my lips as i brushed past him to sit on the bed, leaving him to stand there looking stupified. "I saw you tonight. At Grace's. But she was with Zaryn at Docs. Why are you doing this to me? Why do you constantly protect her where I'm concerned?" My eyes lifted to his. He was out of words.. only letters that couldn't possibly make a sentence came out of his mouth before sighing heavily and sitting himself down next to me on the bed, both of us staring at the floor.

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