34. The Meeting

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This chapter has been re-edited because i was in such a hurry to post on time.

Authors Note at the End!



I was feeling antsy..

Actually antsy was an understatement...

Ive been in this hospital bed since last night.. my wounds were already healed but the poison hadn't filtered itself out of my system completely. I can at least sense my wolf now.. but she is weak..

But at least i could feel her presence inside me.

Staring out at the darkened sky, i watched rain cloud move swiftly above, blocking the burning sun from its rays touching everything around..

a storm was coming soon.

I let my mind drift .. recalling the events of last night, how terrified i felt being so helpless. It's a feeling i never want to experience again..  having no control... feeling human.

Tears pricked in my eyes but i sniffed them away, not wanting to feel this right now. I can't deal with these emotions.. its as if my mind won't let me. I keep shutting down.. not caring about anything other than the truth. Not feeling.

I just cant believe Deacon did this to me..

I can't believe he almost..

"Nova?" A feminine voice croaked, coming from behind the curtain that divided me from Eden who had yet to wake up from her poison induced sleep.

Until now.

Throwing my thoughts to the back of my mind, i scampered out of bed, yanking the curtain back as my heart fluttered wildly, seeing Eden's bright green eyes smile up at me. I let out a sigh of relief as i checked every inch of her exposed skin.. noting the life that blossomed back in her eyes.

"Eden!! You're finally awake! Oh goddess you had me scared to death!" My pulse beat wildly, throwing myself on top of her as my arms went around her neck. She groaned slightly, shifting to the side to give me more room. I had to remember that she had been in a coma like sleep for a few days.

Breaking away, i wiped the tears that had collected in my eyes from relief, spilling forth. "Im so glad you are okay.. that poison was meant for me.. not you. Somehow Anita got into the herbal tea you got for me." I sniffled, Edens green orbs going wide as if she realised something.

"Nova... it.. it wasn't Anita..." her voice was still hoarse from not using it for a few days.

I frowned at her words. "What do you mean it wasn't Anita? She's the one with the herbs."

Eden sighed, rubbing her temples. "It was Deacon. If it was in those tea bags.. it was Deacon. He had given them to me to give to you..." she trailed off. "He said that the healer made them...I figured he meant Daisy... but.. but what if he didnt know? Anita had to have made them.. but how would Deacon not suspect her if she had asked him to give them to me to give to you? I mean.. i know embarassment would have made him give them to me instead of going straight to you since it was for your heat... but how would he just not know? Anita hates you!" She exclaimed, eyes wondering around the room as she tried to put the pieces together.

I pursed my lips, knowing part of the answer to her questions, i think at least. "Deacon has been acting.. not himself lately Eden.. " i admitted softly, not meeting her gaze. "He attacked me last night and the night before.. but last night... he.. he poisoned my wolf so i couldn't reach her.. he almost marked and mated me .. if Zaryn and Nic hadn't shown up when they did.." i swallowed the sourness in my throat, letting the tears sting my eyes but never fall.

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