67. Painful Memories

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Chapter Soundtrack:
Down Like Silver - Wolves
(Swipe to right, above, 2 see the video)

You get a double update Sunday thanks to AdlynSmith per her request!

Happy birthday, friend!!!

The other chapter will be posted later on today. Read the a/n at the bottom for the time.


This amazing cover up abovewas made for me by WolfeeAlert ! I love it so much!

At the end of this book, we will have
A cover voting from all the covers
That have been sent to me
And some that ive made myself
But i need to keep the original
For now until the book is complete
So readers do not get confused :)
Thank you so much!
You did an amazing job!!



Dark clouds above, billowed in the grey sky as the cool breeze whipped my hair around my face. No sunshine this early morning as the trees swayed back and forth, the wind picking up slightly, a chill running down my spine.

Pulling my jacket tighter around me, my eyes blurred as i kneeled beneath the weeping willow and tried to focus on the image in front of me.

A large tombstone. Dark granite with heading,

Deacon James Stone
Third born Alpha blood
Beloved son and friend
b. February 22, 1998
d. 2016

They hadnt put the date because the pack voted when Blake was weak, that seeing as his mind wasnt right.. they didnt exactly know when he had died.. not in his mind anyway. I thought that was horrible. Wolves could be horrible.

sniffled as i huddled into myself, the weather always so bipolar in the south. He was only seventeen.  Still so much to discover....

My emotions ran forth as i recalled the day of his death. Deacon. The night Penelope helped me sneak him out after being locked down in the cellar. I had felt a weight lift from my shoulders until Zaryn had discovered him.. killing him by snapping his neck with a crazed look in his eyes.

I had never hated Zaryn for what he had done to me but that night, i did. I hated him. My skin side did anyways.

Then i discovered the truth...

That Deacon was the monster.  Not Zaryn..

I hadn't dealt with this. I hadn't wanted to. I was only forced to now because i thought it would be a good idea to go on a walk early this morning after resting for a full day yesterday, clear my head. Go to the top of the waterfall.. my favorite place.

And there it was.

Deacon's grave.

Why did they bury him here? Why not the pack cemetery? Why in my special place?

Shatter  ✔ #TheWattys2017Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon