Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

                I woke up the next day rather late. I am usually a light sleeper. I don’t sleep like the dead like Travis and Connor would have everyone believe. Actually the dead don’t sleep; they tend to wander around late at night.

                Anyways, it was half past nine in the morning when I woke up, Hagrid was supposed to meet me down in the bar of the Leaky Cauldron at ten! I rushed into the shower and changed into my usual clothes. A leather jacket, black shirt, pants, shoes and my ring for some reason I can’t seem to find my sword. What am I supposed to do if I don’t have a sword? Meh, I’ll figure it out later, I’m going to be late.

                I rushed down with the trunk right behind me. My ticket, wand and emergency stuff were in the pockets of my leather jacket. Sadly, my aviator jacket is under repair…meaning it is a tattered mess after a few monster attacks. So I got a new leather jacket…hopefully this one lasts longer than the other one.

                Thanks to some training in camp, I manage to haul the heavy trunk down the flight of stairs without much difficulty. When I had reached the bottom of the stairs, I found Hagrid already waiting for me.

                “Sorry I’m late” I said slightly wheezing.  “overslept”

                “Its fine” Hagrid said “Ye kids need to sleep more anyways, you look like you barely had some shuteye”

                I shrugged

                “Anyways, let’s get this show on the road.”

                I walked along the platforms nine and ten. I wasn’t sure where platform nine and three quarters was exactly. I highly doubt that a magical school would have their school train right where non wizards could see them. Maybe it’s between two of the platforms….maybe if I ran towards it….

                “Hogwarts too?” I jumped I turned and saw a kid my age. He had brown hair slightly ruffled and brown eyes. He looked nice enough.


                “Don’t worry, I’m a student too. Going on my second year, I’m Justin”


                “You seem a bit old to be a first year”

                “Transfer Student” I said “How do you get to the platform?”

                “Simple. Just walk straight through the two platforms.” He said pointing to the wall between platforms nine and ten.

                “Okay.” I said “Thanks”

                “No prob” he said nicely “See you around, I have to go find my folks”

                He went to look for his parents and I was left along looking at the wall. Should I risk it? Eh why not? I ran straight through the wall between the platforms nine and ten. It felt almost like shadow travelling. Almost. It was like some kind of portal from one place to another.

                 I now looked at the platform. There were many people some saying their goodbyes, some catching up with their friends. I wonder what it is like to have a normal family, a mother there to love and care for you, a father who protects and supports you, or possibly siblings there to have fun with or to teach you the tricks of the trade.

A Deadly Magical Demigod (HP&PJO ff)Where stories live. Discover now