Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

                I stared at the cat, the blood, and the water on the floor. There has to be a connection to the Horcrux here. I knelt down and studied the water just as I heard footsteps come. The water doesn’t seem that different. The cat is not dead. That I can say surely.

                “What are you doing here?” Weasley said accusingly

                “I study here” I said “And like you I’m curious of a cat hanging from a lantern.”

                Then they noticed the cat.

                “Mrs. Norris.” Granger said then squinted her eyes “The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir beware. It’s written in blood.”

                “What did you do?”

                “Just because I like to wear black and the dead respect me AND I am a Slytherin doesn’t automatically mean I am evil.” I said with a scowl. “And for your information the cat isn’t dead and that blood. That’s not human. It’s chicken blood.”

                Blood gives off the same aura from death if it’s the cause of a human’s death. It feels more like a harpy dying than a human.

                “How do you know that?” Granger asked warily

                “Instinct.” I said.

                The corridor started to fill with students. All looking at us with fear and curiosity.

                “Enemies of the heir beware” Draco said outloud then gave a smirk to the trio. “You’ll be next Mudbloods”

                Dumbledore and the teachers were soon in the scene. And with them was Filch looking like he was ready to kill someone and die on the spot. “Prefects, lead your houses to your dormitories… All except you four.”

                The corridor cleared and the professors had a closer look at the situation.

                “She’s not dead” I said making the teachers look at me.

                “And how pray tell do you know that” Professor Snape said with his usual tone. I don’t think he has believed the whole ‘son of Hades’ thing.

                “I just do” I said

                “How did this happen?” Filch demanded “My cat is petrified! And what are these four doing out here? They have something to do with this!”

                “I don’t know Argus” Dumbledore said.

                “This couldn’t be done by a few second years” Snape said “Though I don’t recall seeing any of you at dinner”

“I was at Sir Nicholas’ death day party.” I said "Then I had detention"

I didn't say the last part out loud but I assumed they heard it. Professor Snape looked at Potter and company.

"I was also invited by Nick." he said sheepishly

"It was a death day party so I am sure that they don't have food why didn't you join the feast afterwards."

"We were tired and wanted to go to bed," Harry said

"Yeah we weren't hungry so we heading back to the common room when we saw Mrs. Norris."

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