Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

                I gave Tom one of my deathliest glares. No one insults a son of Hades. And NO ONE insults my sister! The air started to get colder. I held a knife in my hand.

                Unlike what most demigods would have everyone think, it actually isn’t wise to just rely on just one weapon. It’s better if we were well rounded in all different kinds of weapons. And to be well equipped with it. You’ll never know when you’ll need it.

                Tom returned his gaze at me with venom in his eyes.

                “Well, well, nice to see you again, cousin.”

                “Cut the crap, Tom” I snarled throwing the knife again. It missed it by half an inch. “It’s over.”

                He just looked at the knife stuck in the stone. Then he looked at me with a smirk.

                “Do you honestly think that you could defeat me?”

                “Do you expect me to believe that you are more powerful than I?” I countered.

                “I don’t expect you to believe it” he said he turned to the giant statue and hissed. The mouth started to open and a louder hiss was coming out of it. HE turned to me with a smirk “I expect you to be the proof.”

                A large snake started to come out of the statue’s mouth.

                “Let us see what the power of The boy who lived and the Ghost king is against Lord Voldemort heir of Salazar Slytherin.”

I turned to Harry. “Run!” The boy isn’t as stupid as he seems and sprinted as the snake made it’s way towards us.

I closed my eyes. The ground started shaking. I can hear the ground start to crack. Bones started to hit as it can out of the ground and knit itself together. Hundreds of skeletal soldiers lined up ready for battle.


The skeletal soldiers started to attack the large snake. Some broke almost instantly while others continued to pound on the large and hard scales of the Basilisk. I turned my gaze on Tom while the snake was finding its way out of the chamber.

“It’s you and me Riddle.”

“I don’t think so” he said. He closed his eyes and hissed again. From the shadows, monsters started fill the chamber. “Let us see the power of the great Ghost King.”

I held up my sword ready. And charged in battle.


Harry’s POV

Nico di Angelo isn’t the Heir of Slytherin. No. He is just freaking CRAZY. He breaks out of Tom’s control. Looking even more scary than he already is. And throws a knife. Where in the world did he get that?”

Now he has these skeletons come out of the ground and have them follow the basilisk as it tries to kill me.

Thanks Nico that’s a lot of help. A bunch of skeletons that can be broken in one swing of a basilisk tail. Thanks a lot.

There was one good thing though. When the skeletons had attacked the large snake, they had managed to blind it. But sadly that doesn’t stop it’s super hearing.

I don’t know what to think of Nico di Angelo any more. He’s unusual. Tom said he’s a demigod. A son of Hades.

I don’t believe it. I don’t want to  believe it. The sarcastic and dark looking kid was a son of Death…actually when I put it that way it does make sense. But I don’t want to believe that he was sent to actually help us.

He didn’t seem like it. He was too…Slytherin?

I had stopped in a dead end. And the snake was still hot on my trail. It came so close to me. I can feel it’s breath near my face and its eyes just close enough to actually kill me if it weren’t blind.

                I held around desperately, I looked at stone in my hand and threw it to the left. The Basilisk stopped advancing towards me and went to the left tunnel.

                I sighed in relief as I saw it’s tail retreat deeper into the Chamber. I ran back to where I found Tom. There I met chaos.

                I honestly thought that the Basilisk would be the only monster I’d see this time. But it seems I was wrong. Everywhere there were these weird looking creatures. And in the middle, was Nico fighting like a demon. He swung the black sword between the two demon ladies. He rode on this really large dog that could possibly beat fluffy in an ugly contest. The dog bit off anyone close.

                Nico literally radiated death. He had this aura of black and silver rolling off his skin. The entire Chamber was as cold as ice. It felt like death. And I can’t help but shudder.


Back to Nico

                I fought till the last of the monsters fell. I haven’t felt this exhilarated in months. It seems even when you have to fight for your life with these monsters attacking you every day. You actually miss it when you don’t kill off some monsters. Must be part of the weirdness of being a demigod.

                I jumped off the hellhound. And turned to Tom.

                “It’s over. You have nothing left. You have lost.”

                “Not yet I haven’t.”

                The basilisk had sprout out from the floor taking me by surprise. And this is coming from the guy who walks in and out of shadows I don’t get startled…ever.

                I turned and saw Harry just standing there. Stubborn Gryffindor.

                “Let’s see then, what happens in the battle between the Ghost King and the King of Serpents” then with Tom’s command. The large snake attacks me. I did what anyone in that situation would do. I ran.

                Don’t get me wrong I’m not afraid of snakes. But this is just a ridiculous situation right here.  The snake made many attempts to just swallow me whole but I manage to evade it. Soon, I was facing the large blind snake with a sword in hand on a bearded man’s head.

I blocked most of its lunges with my sword. If Percy has his great battle with Kronos, Thalia with the furies and Bianca with Talos the robot, I have mine with a giant blind snake. And I shall go down as one of the most pathetic big three demigod who would get beaten by a large snake, if I die here that is. If I survived, well I would say I’d have another oh-my-gods-I-survived party.

I felt the cord around my neck heat up. I ripped off the necklace and in my hand, was a dagger. It was made of bone one of which I don’t know of. The snake lunged again and it nearly bit me.

“POTTER!” I called and the raven haired boy turned “Catch!”

I could only hope he had gotten it and knew what to do. The snake had lunged again and I did something that probably kills me. I ducked and stab my sword through the roof of its mouth.

One of it’s fangs had imbedded itself in my arm right above my elbow. White hot pain started to flow into my body. The venom started to kill me from the inside. I pulled out my sword and the snake had toppled down dead on the floor. I looked back in my arm while my own vision started to blur. I pulled out the white tooth, and I was welcomed by darkness.

A Deadly Magical Demigod (HP&PJO ff)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora