Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


I watched Nico go down and the tooth clattered on the floor. Fawkes caught the raven haired boy and slowly lifted him down towards me and Ginny. Ginny was already awake slightly shaken but otherwise fine.

"Is that di Angelo?"

"Yes" I replied then examined what happened to Nico. There is a large wound right above his elbow, that looks a lot like a puncture wound.

"We have to get him out of here. Fast."


The large dog like creature that Nico had been riding walked right towards us. I was afraid it was about to kill us. Its sharp teeth and vicious face still looked just as deadly. But as soon as it stopped right in front of us it put down it's paws on the floor and placed its head down on it. Just like a dog, patiently waiting.

"I think I know what to do. It's crazy but it just might work." I said looking at the dog. "Can you take us out here fast?"

It barked loudly. Which I assumed was a yes. I turned to Ginny.

"Ginny get out of the Chamber and you'll find Ron. Take Fawkes with you. Can you find our way out?"

"I think we can figure something out." Ginny said even slightly shaken she was as fierce as her brothers. "And Harry, be careful."

"I will."

I placed Nico on the large doglike creature then I jumped on its back. I held on tight to a limp Nico. "Let's Go."

Then I was suddenly slipped into a sheet of Darkness.


I looked before me and found someone who I didn't expect in my dreams. My dad. Of all the gods Hades is one of the least likely to show affection. But right now. I can see something I had always wanted to see in his gaze. Pride.

Everything had passed in a blur. I don't even know what we talked about. I don't know if we even talked. But I remember his embrace.

The gods might be parents, but they barely to none show their demigod children affection. So it's not really a surprise how most of us turn out. But my dad wrapping his arms around me in an embrace was really surprising

He was surprisingly warm, unlike the certain times I had felt his skin against mine. He smelt of Earth, not of death like most would think. He actually smelled like moss and aftershave. It felt good to be in his arms. I felt like I was in a family. A broken one but family none the less.

"I am proud of you, my son."


My senses came to me one by one. First was, unfortunately, my hearing. I heard a haiku worthy of Apollo...probably because it was Apollo who had made the haiku.

""Attacks from a snake

They'll come and ask for my aid

I am the bestest"

Okay I have to admit it wasn't that unbearable. It was just pretty vain in his point.

Next came my sense of touch. I felt every one of my sore nerves. I don't know if it was from over exhaustion or because I was injured. But from what I can tell. By left arm felt rather heavy. And hurt more than the rest of my body.

Then came my sense of smell. I smelled the familiar scent of the hospital wing. One of the places I dreaded the most. I mean the hospital is fine and all but I really hate the part that the matron tends to fuss over every one of her patients. It might be her job but she doesn't have to fuss so much over something so little. But knowing my luck. I don't think it would be that little.

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