Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

                To say my day was normal would be a lie. I woke up in the Slytherin Common room.  I have to admit that it reminds me of the Hades Cabin. Slightly gloomy and that underground feel, and I feel right at home. I entered the Great Hall with the sound of a woman scolding

                “…WE’LL BRING YOU STRAIGHT HOME!!!” then the angry red envelope turned slightly to the side “Oh and Ginny, congratulations on getting to Gryffindor. Your father and I are some proud.” Then after one undignified tongue lashing, the letter starts to tear itself apart.

                “What was that?” I asked Draco who sat beside me laughing like crazy.

                “That is what you call a howler. And looks like little Weasley got one.” Draco said laughing as the red head in question started to turn red in embarrassment.

                “Is that a usual occurrence here?”

                “Not really” Blaise said “Some cases when the parents are really mad they sent howlers. It doesn’t happen often though.”

                “Oh, well at least they know that their parents actually know what they get into. Or at least know, of their well being.”

                “Why don’t your parents get letters from your old school.”

                “No, they’re always watching. Though barely comment on anything”

                “As nice it is to listen more on your family stuff”, Draco said “we have class in thirty minutes, so I suggest we start on breakfast”


               Our first class for the day was Herbology with the Gryffindors. The green house was large and, well, green. There were many rows of plants, pots, and soil inside a giant glass dome. I almost thought it looked like a normal greenhouse…until I saw unusual movement in many of the plants. One tried to bite my hand. Probably Persephone’s doing, or Demeter…no I’m sure it’s Persephone.

               We stood in the two sides of a really long table filled with pots, soil and plants, one side was all Gryffindors, the other Slytherin, that is where I stood, beside Draco.

"Gather around everyone" she said, "today we're going to repot mandrakes. Who could tell me what a mandrake is"

Then a Gryffindor with fizzy hair and buck tooth’s hand shot up in the air

"Ms. Granger "

"Mandrakes or mandagora, is used to return those who have been petrified to their original state.” she said "but their also quite dangerous the mandrake's dry is fatal to anyone who hears it"

"Very good ten points to Griffindor. Since our mandrakes are just seedlings their cries won't kill you yet but they'll knock you out for several hours. So everyone take a pair of earmuffs and make sure you ears are completely covered"

She gripped the stem of the plant, then violently pulled it out. I may not be a child of Demeter or Dionysus, but I am one hundred percent sure that there are supposed to be roots, not horribly deformed babies. It was fat, grey, pug faced creature. It looked worse than Alecto in her worse days…and that’s saying something. What was worse of the creature was its screech.

I have heard of someone say ‘screeching like a banshee’. I officially know what that would mean.

Professor Sprout placed the deformed baby on another pot, and started to sprinkle it with soil. A pudgy faced Gryffindor boy fainted even with the earmuffs.

"There are some empty pots around the table and start repotting your mandrake"

I stared at the potted plant that lay in front of me. I released a breath that I didn’t know I was holding then held tightly to the stem. With one hard tug I pulled out the plant to its roots. The ugly grey baby started wailing like the souls from the Fields of Punishment. It actually screamed louder than the other mandrakes. It kept thrashing and screeching like it was being tortured. I know I am not good with plants but I’m not that bad…am I?

Well I got my answer when it turned back to the mandrake. The little grey baby, was no longer grey. It was black. It had stopped crying. But it also stopped living. I dropped the plant back to it’s pot hopefully the already green leaves will keep it from being suspicious.


                We left the greenhouse, sweaty, dirty and tired. Beside me a very filthy draco complained

                “I can’t believe their making us do this” Draco said “This is servant stuff”

                “I am just glad it’s all over” I said “I do not like plants. Reminds me too much of my crazy stepmother”

                “Why? What did she do?” Blaise asked.

                “She turned me into a dandelion” Draco and Blaise laughed then they started to talk about Quidditch as we headed towards the Quidditch pitch for flying class.

                Like how in Normal, or how they call it Muggle, school, they play sports as PE. And apparently in this case, it’s flying.

                We had flying classes with the Hufflepuffs…whose house name sounds so much like cottonball that I almost said that the first time I had read it. Unfortunately, my dear Uncle Zeus, still doesn’t like any of use other Big Three kids. Which means, I go five feet above ground, without any support from a tree or any other thing that is actually connected to the ground, I would be toast, like fried by lightning.  I looked cautiously in the sky. It didn’t seem like it was gonna rain. Or throw lightning anytime soon.

                I stood nervously holding the piece of wood, known as a broom stick.

                “I’m not so sure about this”

                “Oh come on, don’t tell me you haven’t been on a broom before”

                “As a matter of fact, no I haven’t I prefer my feet firmly on the ground.” Pansy said  “the boys just have an addiction to Quidditch”

                “No we don’t”

                “I rest my case”

                “I- I need to ask Madame Hooch something.” I said handing the broom to Blaise.

                “Ma’am?” Madame Hooch turned. She looked at me with those scary grey eyes that reminded me of Annabeth.

                “Yes Mr. Di Angelo”

                “I do not think it would be…safe for me to fly.”

                “Nonsense the skies are bluer than ever, and the brooms are safer than they look”

                “It’s not that ma’am do you not know who my father is?”

                “You’re going to be fine.” She said. “Now go back to your group. We’re about to start.”

                That’s it….I’m Dead

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