Chapter 10

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                I returned to the common room after one night of Horcrux hunting. I found nothing, nothing that could get me closer to finding the Horcrux. I think I got back to the room near midnight. But that wasn’t he strange part of my night. It was when I had gone up to the dormitory. I had found Draco on my bed, waiting for me.

                “Where have you been?” he asked both curious and worried.

                “Uh…” I couldn’t think of a good excuse. “Don’t you have a Quidditch match tomorrow?”

                “You’re changing the subject.”

                “I was out” I said “I had...detention with Lockhart.”

                “Really? What did he make you do?”

                “The usual crap that he lets those who have detention with him. His fan mail.”

                “Well that must’ve sucked” Draco said slight relief was in his face “I thought you were caught by the monster in the chamber when you didn’t return by curfew.”

                “Not this time Draco” I said “besides I’m a Halfblood.”   

                “And Mrs. Norris is a cat.” Draco pointed out. “I don’t think that it would actually know what the hell is it targeting.”

                “Well there’s that” I said “Go to sleep. You have a Quidditch Match tomorrow.”

                “You’re coming right?” he asked “House support?”

                “Yeah” I said “though I would say after the whole incident I’m not much of a Quidditch fan.”

                “Don’t worry. Between me and Blaise, you’d be a Quidditch fan by the end of the year.”


                I have to admit Quidditch seemed more exciting at the stands than in the sky. It was as thrilling as a basketball game or a foot ball game. You’d never know when someone was willing to make the shot or risk that chance.

                I sat with Blaise who was just as good a commentator as Lee Jordan the commentator from the Gryffindors.

                “So here we have Malfoy and Potter. They’ve spotted the snitch! They’re racing through the stands. Nearly beheading poor Colin Creevy” Blaise said “I’m sure that the little Muggleborn has many aspirations but I don’t think that the headless hunt is one of them.”

                I laughed. “I hear that’s awfully boring if you don’t have your whole head severed.”

                Nick had returned to thank me for the advice. It seems that he was satisfied with being nearly headless. Sure he couldn’t join those weird juggling games, but he had the Baron and all the other Hogwarts Ghosts to keep him company. Not to mention being the Gryffindor House Ghost. The Weasley twins sure did keep him on his transparent toes just waiting for the time they’d find a prank that could work on someone who was already dead. According to Nick, it was pretty amusing.

                “With that speed, he’d be in the headless hunt before he could say cheese” Blaise said then we watched as Draco accidentally hit the column.  He catapulted to the grass painfully on his rum.

                “Draco!” we didn’t finish the game, Blaise, Crabbe, Goyle and I went down to check on Draco.

                He was on the ground groaning as his left leg was bent in a painful angle.

                “Malfoy, are you okay?”

                “He has his leg bent in an angle that would break a bone or two” I said sarcastically “He’s absolutely peachy.”

                “We should get him to the hospital wing.”

                “No shit Sherlock.”


                “Muggle term” Blaise and I said simultaneously. I stared at him in shock. I thought Purebloods were all against muggles.

                “Come on let’s get you to the Hospital Wing.” I said.


Blaise, Vince, and I manage to carry Draco as carefully to the Hospital Wing. Seeing as most of them were too busy on Potter, and that Greg is the most careless of us all, the three of us carried Draco ourselves.

“What happened?” Madame Pomfrey asked with concern.

“Quidditch Accident” Blaise explained.

“Poor dear, put him here” Madame Pomfrey said as she examined Draco’s leg. With a wave of her wand she managed to mend the broken leg. That reminds me way too much of how Apollo kids do it. Sudden and sometimes without warning.

Draco gasped then groaned in pain. That must’ve been painful for Draco to actually react. Well Draco could be a cry baby sometimes. But he has his whole bravado to think of. He couldn’t just suddenly wince in pain.

“Bloody Hell”

There was a band of Gryffindors holding what looks like Potter with a rubber arm…rubber arm? How the hell did that happen? Madame Pomfrey immediately directed them to the bed across Draco’s and went to get something.

Draco groaned as his leg was still suffering from the side effects, mainly shearing pain. Madame Pomfrey came rushing back with what looks like a mini skeleton flask in her hand.

“Oh stop your yapping Mr. Malfoy. Drink the potion then you could go.” She scolded then shooed some of the other kids around Potter.

“Thanks a lot” Draco said sarcastically then drank the Potion on his bedside table. He grimaced at the taste of the potion. But it seems that he was more at ease after drinking it.

“So let’s get you out of here” Zabini said “I think I am getting allergic to the amount of Gryffindors in this room.”

“Hope it’s not contagious” I said playfully.

Zabini smirked then said “Well if we leave now, I don’t think it would be.”                                  


I returned to Myrtle’s bathroom that night again with nothing. I only learned on how Myrtle had died. Something about big yellow eyes.

I was passing the fourth floor corridor…I don’t know why but I was going to head to the seventh floor to see if I could find anything or if I could find the death sensor again. I wasn’t looking where I was going when I trip over something. Or someone.

I held back a scream and moved away when I saw who it was.

Colin Creevey was in the ground, his camera in his face, Petrified.

“Di Immortales.” I cursed.

Let me kill you. Kill. Kill.

I turned and looked through the corners of the ceiling. Then I saw. Big Yellow Eyes.

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