Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

                I walked out of the common room and I couldn’t find Crabbe and Goyle. Where could they have gone? Think Nico. The last place you’d seen the two they were coming out of Myrtle’s bathroom.

                I smirked. And shadow traveled to Myrtle’s bathroom. I appeared at the bathroom when Weasley and Potter ran into the bathroom with clothes that look rather big on them. And the cloak has the Slytherin crest instead of Gryffindor.

                “That was a total waste of time” Weasley whined “We still don’t know who’s doing the attacks.”

                “Hermione! We’ve got some…”

                “Well, well well” I drawled. “What do we have here? Two lions in snake’s skin. One that is probably two sizes or more too big I might add.”

                “What are you doing here?”

                “You know, breathing, learning, living , talking to you.” I said

                “Well we don’t want to talk to you”

                “Ouch” I said a hand over my heart “That hurt. You don’t want to talk to lil’ ol’ me?”

                “Hermione!” Harry exclaimed to the door knocking rigorously “Help us out here.”

                “Go away!”

                “Well someone’s grumpy” I commented

                “Zip it, Di Angelo”

                “What’s wrong with Granger?”

                “None of your business.” Weasley snarled “How did you get here  so fast?”

                “I was here the whole time”

                “No, you were in the Slytherin Common Room.” Harry pointed out “With Malfoy.”

                “I was.” I said “like earlier this evening, this morning, yesterday. The start of term. It’s pretty much where I live for the year and Malfoy is my fellow prisoner.”

                “Prisoner?” Potter asked “You think Hogwarts is a prison?”

                “Well, the Slytherin Common Rooms are in the Dungeons aren’t they?” I said “What do you always find in  the dungeons. Prisoners. House prejudice are also in the making of Hogwarts from the looks of it. Well good thing that none of us Slytherins actually mind it much. We take care of ourselves.”

                “We are getting off topic.” Potter said “What are you doing here? Are you the Heir of Slytherin?”

                “So quick to judge, aren’t we?” I taunted then leaned on one of the walls of the bathroom. My ring held on my hand, playing it around my fingers. “Two things. Let’s say I was the heir of Slytherin, why would I tell you?”

                “Because it would be the right thing to do.” Potter said. “Even Dumbledore approached you.”

                “Dumbledore wanted to ask me of my stay here in Hogwarts” I said “Not if I was the one causing the attacks.”

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