Chapter 9

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                “So that’s just about it”

                “So let me get this straight.” Percy said “Uncle H wants you to attend a magical school to find this thingy that is supposed to stop this baddie from coming back to life also for making friends and all that stuff that you could do at the safety of Camp.”


                “And you crossed a river and flew to the sky in a broomstick that you didn’t even know how to do.”

                “In my defense, I didn’t think the teachers believed me when I told them of my…heritage.”

                “Do you have a death wish?” Percy scolded with a smirk…so it didn’t really seem like he was scolding. “Dad’s still a bit pissed at you. Though he is more lenient compared to Uncle Z, but seriously Nico. I don’t get their whole rivalry thing either. But voluntarily going into Uncle Z’s territory is just plain stupidity.”

                “Says the boy who went on a plane. With a bunch of other people.” I said “Besides from what I understand. Uncle Z doesn’t like Uncle P. Dad and Uncle P are in…Okay terms. And Uncle Z and Dad absolutely loath each other.”

                “Or they flat out ignore each other” Percy added

                “Or that” I said smiling at the memories.

                “I really wish you were here.” Percy said “Annabeth and Thalia are both at Goode with me.”

                “Really?” I said surprised “I thought Annabeth was going to California.”

                “Well, her dad got a special project here in New York and will be here for the year.” Percy said. “Thalia needed to find more possible hunters after their numbers went down after the war.”

                “Well thankfully Camp doesn’t have that problem”

                “Yeah after everyone age thirteen and up started to pop out of nowhere” Percy said. “I really wish you were in Goode with us. The Big Three kids together in school. That would be one for the CHB history books!”

                “What how we manage to go unscathed?”

                “No, how we manage to survive without killing each other.”

                “Well we don’t argue as much.” I pointed out “We leave that to our dads.”

                “True that.” Percy said with a yawn. “I guess I have to go back to sleep, before I over sleep and Mrs. White would kill me if I were late in her class again. Just IM me back when you’re not busy.”

                “Why don’t think I can do it on my own?”

                “No” Percy said “Is it wrong to worry about your cousin?”

                “When that cousin is forced to do so many quest for his dad who is me? Then yes I think there might be a problem there somewhere.”

                Percy rolled her eyes. “I promised your sister that I’ll take care of you. And besides I want to know what my baby cousin is up to.”

“I’m not your baby cousin”

“You’re the youngest” Percy pointed out.

“Please you’re the youngest, I was born before the oath”

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