Chapter 13

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                Christmas. I hadn’t thought much on the occasion. Since Bianca died a few years ago. I didn’t think I would enjoy it as much as before. I remember the Christmas times in the Lotus Casino. We’d look for some Christmas themed movies and just stay in the living room and watch them. We always ended up eating dinner and falling asleep on the sofa. There were times that I would curl up beside her and she would always let me sleep on her lap.

                Oh Bianca how I miss you right now. Why did you have to leave?

                I almost missed the day passing until dad’s pesky raven Grey woke me up. I had returned to the common room half past twelve and fell asleep at one in the morning. So being woken up by a hyperactive raven at eight in the morning really wasn’t in my favor.

                I sat up groggily as Grey continued to circle around my head. I know that this little guy is basically raised from the dead but where the hell did he get all that energy. I found a stale biscuit that I usually keep to make the little guy from annoying me when dad didn’t need him. I gave him a biscuit then it took it gratefully and flew out to enjoy the tasteless treat.

                I looked around and groaned. Everyone was gone. They’re probably in the common room. I opened the package that Grey dropped on me.  It was a small gift. From Percy.

                Merry Christmas Death Boy. Hope you liked it. Found it in my cabin years ago. thought you’d like it. My mom also put something in there for you. ~Percy.

                I opened the box. It just warmed my heart, yes I am not as heartless as most Campers believed, knowing that Percy and his family actually sent this for me. Even when I wasn’t really part of their family. Inside was a familiar green hat.

                This was Bianca’s hat. The same one she loved to use back in my Mythomagic days. I thought I lost this. Apparently it was with Percy this whole time. I must’ve left it when I first ran away from camp. I held it near my heart. I can still smell her. I could still hear her voice.  I can feel her holding me in her arms just like our last Christmas together. She would sometimes let me wear her hat around even when it was way too big for me.

 I knew she loved me. But I also knew she also doesn’t like having to look after me for so long. I don’t think she knew that I knew. I was a kid when she joined the hunters. I was ten. I knew but I was greedy. She was all that I knew. She was my best friend. She was my sister. I didn’t know how bad it was until she left with the hunters. I accepted the fact that she would want to leave and go on her own. It didn’t hurt when she left. But it hurt when she died.

I wiped the tears that had come rolling down. It was Bianca’s death day just a few days ago. December 20th. The day where a demigod was lost.

I placed the cap on my head and looked into the pacage that Percy had sent me. There was a tin can of cookies. Not just cookies. Aunt Sally’s famous Blue cookies. I ate one and remembered those days I just pop into Percy’s mom’s apartment. Percy thought it was absolutely amusing, how I startle Paul each time I shadow travel into their apartment.

Then the last one was the most amusing. It was a shirt. A black with a dancing skeleton(that was wearing a hat and held a cane) in the front. But in the back. There were words that would fit in a meme.

“I fight monsters, I dance with skeletons because I’m just that awesome.”

I chuckled. “Percy.” this had Percy written all over it.

After opening the rest of my presents, (sweets from both Blaise and Draco) I quickly changed out of my pajamas and into my usual attire. The aviator Jacket would cover the words at the back. Then I wore my usual black jeans and sneakers. Tucking the hat inside my pocket, I climbed the stairs to the common rooms.

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