Chapter Five

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The blast wave surrounded you as the ground giving up under your feet, and you face-planted the floor. The ceiling cracked, but you were paralyzed in fear. You closed your eyes and waited for the pieces to fall down onto you, but they never did. Instead, you felt a tug on your arm and you were in someone's arms. You heard Troy's yell as the ceiling gave in and fell on top of him. The arms around you held you tighter, not wanting to let go.

"You're okay," Chase breathed out. You hugged him back.

"Thank you," you replied. The two of you held each other right there in front of everybody.

"Should we do something, or..." Leo whispered to Bree.

"Nah, let's give them their moment," she replied. "They're cute together."

Leo nodded and said, "If they kiss, I-"

"Shut up."

~*Time skip*~

The seven of you hopped onto the hydraloop when Mr. Davenport started scolding you.

"All three bionics?! How could you not tell us?!" Mr. Davenport exclaimed.

"I'm just a student. I was afraid that if you knew you'd overwork me and I wouldn't be able to give a stellar performance in school," you replied. It wasn't a complete lie.

"And you, Chase," Mr. Davenport said, turning his attention to his youngest son. "You knew and you still didn't tell us."

"Because I didn't want her to be overworked either. She's one of the best students in the academy," Chase answered. You had a conviction that that was all he felt of you: just a student. The hydraloop came to a stop and everyone got out.

"I'm really tired," you said. "I'm going to sleep." Between the rescue mission and almost dying, you were absolutely exhausted.

"Not in the capsule dorms," Mr. Davenport said. "You might have lied, but you also were kidnapped, so you'll be staying in a capsule with Bree."

"Oh, no she's not," Bree said. "I'm a rough sleeper, so it would be better for her to sleep in a capsule with Chase since Adam almost always glitches overnight."

"Okay then, capsule with Chase, end of discussion." Mr. Davenport walked off, Douglas close behind.

"C'mon, (Y/n)," Chase said, grabbing your hand. "Let's get ready for bed."

~*Time skip*~

Now, they wouldn't even let you into the dorms to grab your pajamas. Bee's pajamas were too tight and Adam's would be to big, and since Leo doesn't have a full capsule, Chase let you wear a pair of his pajamas.

They were kind of big, but thanks to the adjustable hips on the pants, the pajamas easily fit. You sat next to Chase on the white couch.

"Hey Chase." You looked at him. "What were you going to regret earlier?"

Chase sighed, and looked into your eyes.


Chase proceeded to lean down, his nose touching yours. He closed his eyes and you closed yours. Chase kissed your lips in a light kiss, your lips barely touching, basically asking if he could press them together a little closer. You tilted your head up and kissed him, this time in an actual kiss.

Words couldn't describe how it felt. A cliché could, however, because it felt like your lips were made to be together; like they were made to touch.

"Why would you regret that?" you asked him when you separated slightly.

"Because you're a student and I'm your teacher."

Smart Guy. (Chase Davenport x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now