Chapter Thirteen

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Chase and Adam were sat at the table, silent. Chase sipped his tea while Adam ate his breakfast which consisted of a couple strips of bacon and scrambled eggs. Chase stared at the table, his heart hurting. Adam had hidden his phone, meaning that Chase had pretty much nothing left.

There was a flash of light. Just a small one. It appeared next to Chase, who jumped out of his seat, his hot tea spilling on the table. Adam jumped up as well. Both of them backed up a couple feet as a form appeared.

Once the light went away, you were there in the hotel room, dressed in a hospital gown, smelling like medicine, and slightly dazed.

"(Y/n)!" Chase reacted more quickly than Adam, moving toward you. You looked around, assessing where you were for a moment before hearing the voice of Chase. "What are you doing here?"

"I needed out of there." You held up the wormhole transporter. "Is there an elevator and a park nearby?"

You looked back at Chase who stopped in front of you. You looked up at him and held out your hand. "Take my hand?"

He took your hand in his larger hands. You put your other hand in his other hand. You moved your legs to the floor, ignoring the pain you felt. You used his hands to help yourself stand on your feet.

You looked up at Chase, who still seemed to be in shock. You moved your arms up to his torso and wrapped him in your arms.

As though you were a fragile piece of glass, he wrapped his arms around you. You could feel his chest shaking as he cried into your shoulder. "You're here," he whispered, as though he had just realized it. You could feel his breath on your hair as he held you in a warm embrace. The back of his shirt was a little damp and you wondered why.

"Yeah," you whispered back to Chase. "I'm here. Why does that sound shocking?"

Chase separated from the hug a little. "Because you're in the hospital. Your head... we can't risk you remembering too much at once."

"I know," you answered, "But you're the one thing in this crazy whirlwind of life that seems even a little bit familiar."

Chase's eyes that were already full of hot tears filled again. "Are you serious?" You held him close, even though the pounding in your head became greater. It seemed as though memories were pouring into your head like a dam breaking.

Your head pounded with the dam in your head breaking of memories of him. There weren't many. Just the nights the two of you spent in the capsules together. Cuddled on the couch. A hotel room as you laid together. You couldn't remember where.

You stumbled backward, unable to keep your balance with the pain in your head. Chase fell forward, his body overlapping yours as you landed in the wheelchair. Chase had kept himself from completely crushing you as you blinked the black spots that threatened to make you pass out. It was like temporary sun-blindness. 

"Be careful, Chase!" Adam scolded. You looked at Adam. His tall form was rigid and he looked a lot more serious than you had ever seen him. He also used better grammar.

To be basic: Adam wasn't Adam. He was like some sort of copy. You pushed Chase off of you and moved over to him, using the chairs as canes.

"Adam," you spoke, standing in front of him. He looks down at you, his eyes were penetratingly serious as they stared down at you.

"You shouldn't be here. It's not good for your health," Adam scolded. You moved backward two steps.

"Why does my brain make it so I can't go anywhere without being scolded?" Chase stood behind you as you said this, both males acting as though they were waiting for you to fall. You decided to sit in one of the dining chairs.

Smart Guy. (Chase Davenport x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now