Chapter Seven.

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Adam walked up behind you guys and dropped his drink onto Chase. On purpose. Being in Paris, Chase didn't know that it was Adam, so Spike decided to visit.

"HEY!" Chase growled. His voice was deeper and the veins in his neck showed. He turned around and grabbed Adam by his collar. "DO THAT AGAIN, I DARE YOU!"

You sprung up and backed away from Spike, just like Chase had told you to do if this happened.

"What's happening to Chase?" Raven asked.

"Spike is happening," you replied. "Do you know where Bree is?"

"We ran into her as we were leaving the place we ate at," she answered.

"Go and get her really quick," you said before tacking on a quick: "Please."

"Can do," Raven ran off in the direction of the restaurant.

Adam's eyes widened. "Oh, COME ON," he yelled. He shoved Spike off his collar and on the Paris ground. "SPIKE JUST HAD TO COME HERE!"

"Adam," you spoke, ignoring his outburst. You acknowledged the Parisians around you shooting glares for how loud you all were being. "Have you seen Leo?"

"Yeah, he was at a street vendor with Lionel," Adam answered. "Wait, you're not implying that I leave you here with Spike while I go get Leo, are you?"

"Bree will be here in a couple seconds. I think I'll last," you said.

He hesitated. "Fine," he forced out before giving in. He ran down a street.

Your eyes landed on the heap of flesh on the ground known as Spike. He stood up, nostrils flaring in the direction Adam had gone down. They fell on you, and you took an instinctive step back into what could be considered a defensive stance.

"What are you looking at, sweetheart?" Spike asked, his voice still low.

"What will get you calm?" you asked, deciding not to answer him.

"Maybe a kiss," Spike replied. "I know you said that you loved the weakling I share this body with, and I know you said that you love him, so you love me."

You sighed. "I didn't say that."

Spike cursed under his breath. "Smart-ass."

"And you say you can remember things from Chase's mind," you retorted. You must have ticked Spike off, as he pinned you against the tree behind you, the rough bark digging into your skin as Spike held you against it.

"Say that again, I dare you," Spike growled, his warm breath fanning across your cheeks as he stood so close.

"And you say you can remember things from Chase's mind," you repeated to tick him off even more. Before he could react to that, however, you pushed Spike off and pinned him against the tree.

"(Y/n)!" Bree's voice rang through your ears. She ran towards you and Spike. Bree had something in her hand, presumably calming tea. You loosened your grip on Spike and let Bree take over.

"What do you want now, mud head?" Spike asked Bree.

"Try some of this tea," Bree said.

"Maybe I will," Spike looked at you. "If cupcake over there kisses me." Bree looked at you with pleading eyes.

"Fine," you obliged. You kissed his cheek which resulted in a quiet whirring sound emitting from him.

"(Y/n)?" Chase asked, his voice back to a normal deepness.

"Hi," you said. Everyone left and went back to where they were.

"So. Spike paid a visit," you informed him. He groaned, leaning forward with his head in his hands, running them over his face.

Smart Guy. (Chase Davenport x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now