Chapter Fifteen

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When your eyes finally opened for good that morning, you noticed that you were the only one still left in bed. You sat up and stretched, looking around. You couldn't find Chase anywhere, but Adam was busy in the kitchen. You laid back down, shutting your eyes. You weren't ever a big 'morning' person.

That was until you smelled something burning.

You hopped out of bed quickly and ran into the kitchen, but before you could react in the slightest, your head started pounding harder than ever. So hard that you fell to your knees, hands clenched against your ears.

The faint sound of Chase's voice scolding Adam filled your head, but the pounding of your heart was louder. You could have sworn your skull would crack.

You could feel something cold press against your head, the sensation slowly making you numb. When your eyes finally opened again, Chase had knelt in front of you, his hand on your head. But, it wasn't just his hand. On your head, too, was an ice pack.

"Are you alright?" the bionic boy inquired.

Your breathing should have been better, but you could still speak. "For the most part." Your voice wasn't much higher than a whisper.

He smiled for half a second at you before readjusting his hand. "Do you want the chair?" You knew that he was referring to the wheelchair that you had teleported yourself in.

You nodded and Chase moved your arm so it held the ice pack. You could have sworn you felt a jolt of electricity through your body as he did so, but you tallied it up to something you couldn't remember.

Speaking of, overnight memories of your childhood came to you. Being taken away from your family, being implanted, the man thinking that he had wiped your memory like everyone else.

The thing was: you didn't know what happened to your family. You didn't have much of anyone in your life, just your mother, and father. That was about it. However, you had been taken away from them so early in life that you weren't sure how you kept your humanity.

Right then, you were slowly remembering training with the scary man, of who's name you couldn't quite remember.

"Can you stand?" Chase asked, bringing you out of your trance. You shook the thoughts out of your head and shrugged. He took the ice pack off your head and tossed it onto the counter. He offered his hands, of which you took. Relying solely on his hands and your legs, you stood up with just a dull ache in your head.

While you were sure that you were squeezing the heck out of Chase's hands, he didn't show any indication to it.

As soon as your legs had stretched out completely, they buckled and you fell back into the chair, but your hands didn't let go of Chase's, making him fall on top of you. While you were lucky the chair was locked in place, you weren't so lucky with how Chase landed.

His legs, to avoid crushing you - despite his light-weight body - had been placed on either side of the chair, and his face was millimeters away from yours.

Too many memories to count filled your head, but it wasn't hurting. 

"Chase," you whispered. You tried as hard as you could to not connect your lips to his.

You could feel his hot, coffee-scented breath fan over your cheeks. His eyes, his green-hazel eyes flickered down at yours. If either of you were to move, you'd hit each other.

So why hadn't Chase pulled away?

"(Y/m)," he whispered back.

Chase's right hand ever so slowly, cupped your cheek, tracing your lips, his thumb touching his own lips.

"Would it be so bad," he started, "if I kissed you?"

While your brain screamed no, stating you didn't remember enough about him for this to work, your heart yelled, even louder than your head, to let his lips hit yours.

You nodded slowly. You weren't completely sure why you had nodded, but you didn't regret it.

Chase's soft lips connected with yours, the skin brushing against each other making sparks.

At the same time, a wave of memories crashed down on you like a tsunami of kisses and cuddles and training and just about everything that you had forgotten since you became part of the bionic academy.

And what should have added tons of plot, was just a dull ache in your head.

Chase's lips were fire against yours, infighting something within you. Your fingers knotted in his brown hair, his left hand cupping yours.

When Chase pulled away, you were both panting, trying to catch your breath.

"Paris," you stated. "Titanic. Eiffel Tower. Bree and Kaito."

"You... remember?"

You nodded, a smile on your face. "Yes, Chase, I remember."

A wide smile appeared on his face and he connected your lips together again.


Adam watched bitterly at the two of you together, a tear falling down his cheek. He knew that he hadn't ever had a chance with you. Not while Chase still loved you.

He threw away his burnt breakfast, a numb feeling in his heart.

He knew he tried too hard around girls. That wasn't something he had any use hiding. He just thought that maybe once if he played the 'boy-next-door' card while you were in dark of your life, he might've had a shot.

"Come on, Chase," Adam butted in, interrupting your kiss-fest.

Chase quickly got off of you and you smoothed out your shirt.

"We agreed that we'd go home today. Remember, Chase?"

He nodded. "Yeah. Let's get out of here and get home, where we can celebrate (Y/n)'s regaining of her memory."

Your cheeks went bright red as you punched Chase's arm.

You all checked out of the hotel. Chase had made you remain in the wheelchair because he didn't trust you to walk on your own. At least not yet.


"Mr. Davenport, sir," Oliver started, running up to him, a tablet in his hand. "We have tracked down her location."

Mr. Davenport, though he was tired, he looked at the tablet. "Where?"

"On their way to..." he looked closer to the tablet. "The middle of the ocean."

He breathed a sigh of relief. "They're heading home."

Oliver gave him a nod. "You know where to find us."

"Yeah." And with that, gone was Mr. Davenport.



I hope you enjoyed this part. I made it extra special for all my kittens.

As it is late and I'm tired af, goodnight.

Editing author's note: I don't know how late I wrote this, but it's late again and I'm tired. How times don't change amIright?


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