Chapter Six

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The ten of you entered the hydraloop, eight filling up one side, two on the extended part. You and Chase sat in the extended part.

"What are you looking forward to?" you asked Chase.

Chase looked at you. "Everything," he replied. "The music, the culture, the food, the architectural sights, but of all of those things, I'm mostly looking forward to being with you."

"You are cheesy," you said.

"Hope you aren't lactose intolerant." Chase replied, grinning. You tilted your head.

"Why is it," you inquired, "that every time I'm around, your eyes look sad like there's something deep inside you that you are afraid of someone knowing?"

Chase sighed. "I don't know," he started. "I guess it's just because there is a secret. There's one so big and only so little people in the school know about. I'm afraid of you finding out."

"Chase, you can tell me anything," you said.

Chase sighed again. "I have this alter ego," he began. "His name is Spike. He's supposed to arrive whenever an intimate threat is there. Spike, he... he's aggressive. Not only when there's a threat, but also when I'm embarrassed Spike pays a visit.

"On my first day of school, Spike reared his ugly head and basically ruined it. I didn't remember any of it, but we ended up in a football game and lost. I'm afraid now that he'll come back this time and hurt you or do something bad. So far I've been able to keep him under control, but with France coming up, I'm afraid I won't be able control him.

"If my voice starts to growl, promise me you'll back away, (Y/n). Please." Chase looked at you with begging eyes.

"Chase," you breathed out.

"(Y/n), please. I don't want to hurt the girl I love."

"Okay," you agreed. "But I am getting Adam and Bree if Spike comes, okay?"

Chase nodded.

~*Time Skip*~

"Oh my, god!" Bree said, looking around. "Look at everything! Isn't this wonderful?"

"Bree, chill out," Kaito said.

"Yeah, remember when you, Chase and I had to act like normal people for school? Yeah, try that now," Adam said.

"Oh, man, Bree, you just got told!" Spin said. Everyone laughed.

"Okay, everyone buddy up," Mr. Davenport said. You and Chase, Kaito and Bree, Spin and Bob, Adam and Raven and Leo and Lionel partnered up. "You will all be exploring around, but everyone should be at the Eiffel Tower by ten, okay?" Everyone nodded. "BREAK!"

You and Chase went to downtown Paris everything looking quite beautiful. You saw a shop selling clothing. You'd always wanted a French beret, as you liked them.

"Let's go in here," you pointed at the store. Before you had left, Mr. Davenport had given each group 500 euros to spend. Chase nodded and the two of you entered. You looked for French berets, finding a rack with a black one. You put it on and turned to Chase. You said, "What do you think?"

"Beautiful," Chase replied, smiling lightly at you. You looked at the price tag. It was like, three dollars or euros. "let's get it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah!" Chase replied. You looked around some more, finding a men's scarf. Grabbing a black one, you tied it around Chase's neck and showed him to a mirror.

"Now all you need is a striped shirt and some paints to be a French painter," you joked.

"Nah, I don't like this," Chase removed the scarf and put it on you. "Now that's better." You blush. "C'mon, let's go buy it." You and Chase made your way to the register and paid for the items.

Smart Guy. (Chase Davenport x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now